求高人帮我翻译一下简历中的片段 感谢万万:)

Kim 2024-12-22 18:08:00
cra international department of communications internship ass**t in the completion of customer accounting,and ass**t in the completion of the work of processing,verification of imports and payment vouchers,and learning to use the banking system sap fin**hing customer **rmation ... 20210311

  • levi22222 ,帮忙翻译一下,感谢了
    • 2024-12-22 21:25:07
    • 提问者: 未知
    the older a man **,the more valuable he will be.however ladies are just the opposite.
  • 求高人翻译英文简历
    • 2024-12-22 03:11:26
    • 提问者: 未知
    majoring in the course of insurance, social insurance, property insurance, life insurance, life insurance marketing, insurance engl**h, accounting principles and insurance accounting, actuarial scienc...
  • 大家帮我翻译一下这段摘要吧~~谢谢
    • 2024-12-22 21:47:54
    • 提问者: 未知
  • 帮忙翻译一下,非常感谢。急
    • 2024-12-22 21:26:43
    • 提问者: 未知
  • 请高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢
    • 2024-12-22 11:03:04
    • 提问者: 未知
    china's securities market of 20 years development such as the market bubble, crazy and speculative irrational phenomenon, as the main market ** an important part of our individual securities inves...
  • 哪位好心人能帮我翻译一下下面一段文章,万分感谢!
    • 2024-12-22 11:55:19
    • 提问者: 未知
    **资本流国内市场一体化笔者在第一章中用**省级储蓄与投资的确切数据证实了**金融体制存在不足之处的报道,进而作了产品与资本市场细分, 重视真实的结果。笔者的总的结果大致和boyreau-debray和wei (2002)以及其他作者们是一致的, 笔者可以评价金融改革对**分配机制之外的资本流动的影响。排除外国投资、**成分以及官方控制的银行信贷这些因素,笔者发现省份之间的商务资本流动呈现出向市场...
  • 求高人翻译简历,速度的。不要翻译器的
    • 2024-12-22 09:53:01
    • 提问者: 未知
    parsons brinckerhoff engineering technology co.,ltd.(shanghai branch)  ping an of china resident representative of finance building project engineer tracking the progress of on-site mechanical and el...
  • 有谁能帮我翻译一下这段文字啊,不要翻译工具翻得哦,非常感谢啊~-~
    • 2024-12-22 04:14:31
    • 提问者: 未知
    "with regard to china's l**ted companies of related party transactions" related party transactions refer to ourselves in the related party transfer of resources or obligations of the mat...
  • 英语翻译帮我翻译一下 十分的感谢.
    • 2024-12-22 21:23:50
    • 提问者: 未知
    生物这是谁makemebad35 ? 我的名字是达米安,我20年的年轻人。我是目前高校学生在一所大学设在马里兰州。我主修电子媒体和电影。创建视频内容**.com 。 makemebad35是选择屏幕上的名字为我的**频道。 内容我的内容通常是搞笑。我的风格往往是通常无耻,原油,以及上方。因此,如果这是一些搞笑你喜欢,考虑一下我的一些影片! 目前影片统计( 1/18/09 ) 订阅者- 238445...
  • 急~!!!!帮忙翻译下面的一段话,,,翻译成英语.谢谢~!!
    • 2024-12-22 23:11:20
    • 提问者: 未知
    the commerce the department stat**tics, the drawing on the source the country of the foreign the capital from the china analys**, the korea had the 4 to the amount the of investment in 2005, the only ...

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