
baby 2024-06-03 18:00:21
1981年,世界银行向巴西提供4450万美元的贷款以便巴西**可以实施“开发大西北”计划。此计划的中心内容就是在与玻利维亚接壤的rondonia 州的1500公里的泥路铺上沥青变成公路。in 1981 the bank lent brazil us$445 million for the northwest brazil integrated development programme (polonoreste) to p**e 1,500 kilometers of dirt tracks in the remote region of rondonia which borders bolivia. the newly modernized road allowed nearly half a million migrants to invade the forests and clear them for cultivation. by 1991 the destruction of rondonia's forests had multiplied to ten times its original rate. the burning of the forest became a major focus of research as the single largest, most rapid human caused change on earth v**ible from space.d**eases spread rapidly. malaria infection rates soared to 100% in some killed indigenous communities with over 250,000 people infected. infant mortality rates reached 50% in some communities. in 1987 barber conable, the president of the bank, said that polonoreste was a "sobering example of an environmentally sound project gone wrong."in 1992 the bank launched a new project, known as planafloro, to rectify these problems. yet by 1996 deforestation a world bank inspection panel team found that deforestation had actually increased to "high h**torical levels" of nearly 450,000 hectares per year and as much as 90% of the forest loss ** believed to be at the hands of illegal loggersthe international finance corporation (ifc), the world bank's private sector arm, loaned millions of dollars to congola**e industrielle des bo** (cib), a german company controlled by bremen-based company hinrich feldmeyer, in the1980s for logging on a 480,000 hectare concession in pokola, northern congo. pokola ** just outside the ndoki national park, a region the size of belgium which ** believed to be the only forest in the world that has never been inhabited by human beings.cib and other companies secretly invaded the unique forest to cut ebony, sipo and sapelli -- three highly valued timber species. the ifc quietly pulled out of the project in the mid-1990s after a former cib employee told a local reporter: ''i was fired because i knew too much about the company.the truth ** cib ** devastating the forest in ndoki. they cut down everything there **. even ebony ** felled. they use chemicals to camouflage the trees and trick the water and forestry officers,'' he claimed. the wood ** trucked across the border to cameroon from where it was exported to other countries. similar world bank projects afflicted other west african forests in countries like guinea and ivory coast. 20210311

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