
超人 2024-09-28 00:19:17
the core technology of financial transactions ** the correct valuation and pricing for the trading of financial instruments. traders are worried wrong estimates the value of a financial instrument, and that factors not estimate to make the price deviates from value and the expected value. financial derivatives value attached to its subject matter, its price has interacts with the subject matter of the price. financial derivatives such as futures, forward for basic financial tools and financial stock reverse trading practices, can **oid r**ks from traders worry. the stock option ** the stock derivatives, divided into "call option" and "put" two. the option "or sexual" can prevent other financial derivatives r**k, but also makes h** valuation and pricing ** very complex and difficult. the so-called "or" ** in the event of a desired situation, the exerc**e of its subject matter of the right to buy or sell the right to meaningful. option ** a insurance; two ** the transfer of r**k. one of the most important applications of option ** to manage r**k, to manage r**ks effectively, it must be correct valuation of options. the option pricing theory and methods to promote the development and perfection of the options market has played a huge role. analys** and dec**ion-making basic principle and method of option pricing research that has been widely used in the macroscopic, microcosmic economy and management problems, which ** applied in the financial aspects of the most concentrated in the investment dec**ion-making, and ** widely used in many fields. reflection on the price and option r**k in the subject matter, and mark price also reflects the market's expectations for the future. 20210311

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