
张蒙 2024-09-23 17:53:03
the ex**ting charge paymaster whom i do birth on 兹有 xxx,woman,august 28,1962,and i work,and belong under i unit in september,1992 in now. of a street following the situation xxx lasts from 2003,and to pay its tax year by year decide:(a unit):i put a rule i am based on 1-3 10,... 20210311

  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-23 22:22:54
    • 提问者: 未知
    in th** **,an analys** of china's securities investment fund industry r**k management start with the status quo,revealed china's securities investment fund industry in terms of r**k management of e.
  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-23 11:51:24
    • 提问者: 未知
    the strong market confidence building to s**e the market steady china's stock market plummeted from 6,214 points to over 2,990 points,has r**en over 700 points to 3693 points.april 30,the last day of ...
  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-23 05:59:13
    • 提问者: 未知
    1、请问这里有香烟卖吗?hi,do you h**e cigarettes?(你们有香烟吗﹖-进了店﹐‘卖’就不用提了)hi,do you carry cigarettes?(你们有卖香烟吗﹖carry在这里是'有没有’)2、请问哪有香烟卖?do you know where i can bu.
  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-23 18:01:57
    • 提问者: 未知
    in market economy environment,along with various countries' economyhigh speed development,economical globalization tendency obvious,enterpr**e competition extremely intense,money market day by daymatu...
  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-23 11:51:26
    • 提问者: 未知
    strap share 400,2011-2012 root,10 yuan each human cost of rmb 3226 per month,according to 2012/7-2012/10,1.the electricity matter/0.62 degrees(hl group effect(2)the index power 5.5 kw per hour;yong re...
  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-23 23:45:14
    • 提问者: 未知
    工商银行、招商银行、建设银行,中信银行 **建设银行—ccb(china constuction bank)**农业银行—abc(agricultural bank of china)**工商银行—icbc(industrial and ...
  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-23 18:17:15
    • 提问者: 未知
  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-23 13:40:43
    • 提问者: 未知
    out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole, i thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul. in the fell clutch of circumstance ...
  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-23 10:24:11
    • 提问者: 未知
    1、the police asked the driver to tell the accident in detail. 2、substantial investment h**e the economic of the area quickly developed. 3、after d**cussing,we all agree to set aside the money for futur...
  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-23 05:50:40
    • 提问者: 未知
    abstractas impartant participant of market economy,small medium enterpr**es not only push social economical development,but also relieve pressure of socail employment,expand exporting trade,promot.

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