利息备付率(icr) interest coverage ratio偿债备付率(dscr) debt-service coverage ratio资产负债率(loar) loan of asset ratio 资本金净利润率(roe) return on equity息税前利润加折旧和摊销(ebitad) 你打错了吧,应该是ebitda英文是:earnings before interest, t...
a viking we shall go 维京风暴! a warm and familiar place 竞争上岗 adventures of jared haret 胜利逃亡 all for one 臣服 and one for all 一统江山 arrogance 傲气冲天 ascension 即位 back for revenge 卷土重来 barbarian breakou...
safe for use one,i would be grateful if the key inserted into the keyhole,according to the"888#"panel above the right side of a bright green light at th** time can rotate key,you can open the door.2,p...