
2024-06-04 11:02:02
fund statutory form fund for the closed-end funds, in accordance with the "partnership enterpr**e law," the establ**hment of the tentative name for the "qingdao economic development investment center (limited partnership)", by a limited partnership fund investors and fund managers as a general partner -- - beijing institute cliac states co-sponsored by the investment management co., ltd. establ**hed. limited partnership ** the ex**tence of the fund forms, business itself ** not staffed external operations, from research as a consultative state of the implementation of limited partnership on behalf of the fund's external partners to carry out investment and other business. the fund's investment dec**ion-making body for the joint meeting of partners. 2. the fund's dec**ion-making forms collective dec**ion-making: every single investment projects, subject to a vote全体合伙人meeting. resolution by the partner-funded weight ratio of the value of dec**ion-making, general partner in dec**ion-making weight equivalent to a limited partner of the biggest weights. dec**ion-making process: general partner to submit the project to partner meetings,全体合伙人vote. if the partners agree to the amount (weight) more than 50%, while the implementation of investment, otherw**e, need to continue verification. collective dec**ion-making result of the vote should be documented and partners signed (by fax or e-mail confirmation will also). fund management operations side - in the consultative study the organizational framework of the country by six parts: the project dec**ion-making committees, investment business, investment management, research and development department, the department of integrated management and adv**ory board.  the project dec**ion-making committees for dec**ion-making body, by the company director, general manager, fund managers, investment director, research and development director and senior adv**er, whose primary function ** based on business investment and research and development provided by the min**try of **rmation and research conclusions of the development of fund investment the principles and direction, to determine the direction and investment portfolio.  investment investment by the project manager, ** responsible for the operation of the fund's day-to-day investment. investment manager research and development in accordance with the recommendations of the department of the formation of project investment program primaries, according to investment dec**ion-making committees of the investment dec**ion-making corresponding portfolio program, reported by the investment dec**ion-making committee's approval, to push forward the development of project plans. from the project analys**, inspection, to the coordination of intermediary agencies to complete due diligence and legal affairs, are wholly responsible for the investment manager.  investment management fund has been responsible for the management of investment projects and business to promote, at the same time responsible for the implementation of the fund's value-added services, namely the prov**ion of resources invested enterpr**es by injection and support, including management of resources, marketing resources, brand planning resources and commercial cooperation and resources, and actively ass**ted the rapid growth of investment enterpr**es.  research and development department around the fund's asset management for all types of **rmation collection, screening and rational research on macroeconomic and related sectors of economic and regional economic research at any time to track the funds of investment projects proposed to do in-depth research and write investigation reports, the investment manager and investment dec**ion-making committees to provide investment advice, investment manager at the same time provide the necessary technical and market research support.  integrated management department responsible for fund accounting, financial management, fund use plan, as well as compliance audit exerc**e, general manager of the office and admin**trative functions of the department and ** responsible for personnel and labor management and document management.  adv**ory board to hire professional people in the legal profession, financial people, industry executives and senior members of the investment and financing industry to do the fund's senior adv**er for the investment dec**ion-making major policy dec**ions provide consultancy and public relations consultant for the fund. 20210311

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