传媒[词典]media;[例句]在现代发达社会中,作为社会和**媒介,大众传媒被赋予了很大的权力。the mass media h**e been vested with significant power as social and political agents in modern developed societies 20210311
大股东 [词典] strong stock holder; [例句] th** study investigated the intermediation of expropriation in the linkage between corporate governance and firm value.
一、60 minutes 1、each test runs for 60 minutes after all of the users are in the system. 在所有的用户位于系统中之后,每一个测试都会运行60分钟。2、wherever you go,a minute **60 seconds,an hour **60 minutes,and a day **24 hours. 无论...
**传统名词chinese traditional nouns“贺岁片”作为特定时期上演的极度张扬大众文化指向的商业电影形态,登上了**电影发展的历史舞台,根植于传统文化心理需求的“贺岁片”这个名词也就诞生了。as a kind of commercial film appearing at a particular time, the new yearcelebration films are ...