跪求博士研究生学位论文《新英格兰的开拓者——约翰·温思罗普研究》 李翠云著。
只要注册就可以在线阅读了哦 ~ 希望对你有帮助 ,神马都是浮云 ,但是自己喜欢的就好 。很欣赏你的感觉 。看了看有38万字 ,也译作——**的开拓者——约翰·温思罗普研究 题名 新英格兰的开拓者——约翰·温思罗普研究 姓名 李翠云 姓名拼音 li cuiyun 院系 历史学系 专业 世界史 学位类型 博士 外文题名 on john winthrop:a pioneer of new england 第一导师姓名 何顺果 第一导师单位 历史学系 关键词 约翰·温思罗普;新英格兰;马萨诸塞湾殖民地 外文关键词 john winthrop ;new england ;massachusetts bay colony 分类号 k561.4 学科 历史学 二级学科 060108世界史 摘要 约翰·温思罗普是17世纪新英格兰著名的**人物,是马萨诸塞湾殖民地最重要的奠基人之一。他曾12次出任马萨诸塞湾殖民地总督、3次出任副总督、4次出任参事会的参事,还曾担任新英格兰联盟的首任**。他是最早提出要在美洲荒野上建立“山巅之城”的人,也是第一位将这种理念付诸殖民地实践的人。他的思想和活动深刻影响了新英格兰殖民地的历史进程,他关于“山巅之城”的理念是美国人理想价值观产生的源头。长期以来学术界对如何评价温思罗普存有异议。由于对他的研究不够深入,特别是缺乏对他的综合性研究在某种程度上影响了人们对他的了解和认识。对温思罗普的研究涉及到对17世纪新英格兰清教徒的理解和评价,亦增加了温思罗普研究的难度。虽然美国几位著名史学家早就认识到他在美国历史中的应有地位,但至今美国史学界还没有一部关于温思罗普的综合性研究论著问世,我国学术界还尚未有研究温思罗普的研究成果付梓出版。本文以温思罗普的全部著述和其它相关原始文献为依据,对温思罗普进行了全面、深入和细致的研究,旨在填补国内温思罗普研究的空白,弥补国外温思罗普研究的不足。本文是关于温思罗普的综合性研究论著。论文追溯了影响温思罗普世界观形成的家世背景、所处时代、婚姻关系、地域文化等因素,探讨了温思罗普被选为马萨诸塞湾殖民公司总裁的原因、殖民地特许状和公司总部转移到殖民地的缘起及其转移的重大意义,阐述了温思罗普在组织“人口大迁徙”中所付出的努力及温思罗普本人**的原因。温思罗普在马萨诸塞湾殖民地的19年是本文研究的重点,集中考察了温思罗普在马萨诸塞湾殖民地**、经济和文化领域的思想与活动。论文详细研究了温思罗普在**途中所作的《**教仁爱的典范》的布道演讲,认为这是他建立新英格兰殖民地的核心思想,实质上是力图将清教理想付诸于未来的殖民地建设。本文认为温思罗普是当时新英格兰殖民地建设的核心力量,这篇布道演讲是指导殖民地建设的重要纲领性文献。本文对在新英格兰殖民地建设过程中所经历的重大历史事件给予了充分重视。这些重大历史事件包括罗杰·威廉斯事件、唯信仰论争端、塞缪尔·戈顿事件、“猪案”引发的否决权问题大辩论、1644年**官员和自由民代表的争端、欣厄姆事件和罗伯特·蔡尔德**事件。论文详细叙述和分析了温思罗普在应对和处理这些矛盾和冲突中表现出的思想、理念及才能。论文对温思罗普的研究并未局限于对他的**思想和**活动的研究,还重点研究了温思罗普在发展殖民地经济和教育方面所做出的贡献。在研究温思罗普思想和实践活动的过程中,论文亦对国内外学者讨论的一些重大学术问题进行了研究并得出了新的结论。 外文摘要 john winthrop was a well-known new england politician in colonial america. gifted in practical affairs and the art of **, he was the foremost political leader in massachusetts bay colony for nearly twenty years, including twelve non-consecutive terms as governor, three terms as deputy governor and four terms as an ass**tant of the court of ass**tants. he was instrumental in forming the united colonies and served as its first president. he ** most famous for h** “city upon a hill” sermon, in which he declared that the puritan colon**ts emigrating to the new world were members of a special pact with god to create a holy community. he was the first american who brought forward a plan to build a “city upon a hill” in the wilderness of new continent and fulfilled it as well. though h** influence upon the h**torical progress of new england civilization was great, no chinese scholars h**e ever made research on him. some eminent american h**torians mentioned h** greatness and contribution to american h**tory time and again, however,no american h**torians h**e made full, systematic and detailed research on him. based on winthrop’s entire works and other relevant primary sources, the d**sertation attempts to make a comprehensive research upon him, studying h** ideology, h** life and career both in old england and new england.the d**sertation fully examines the factors which worked on winthrop while h** character and ideology were being formed, such as h** family members, h** marriages, england in which he lived and east anglia where he grew up, analyzes the reasons of h** being chosen the governor of massachusetts bay colony and of h** emigrating to america. the major part of the d**sertation focuses on h** political, economic and cultural undertakings and h** contributions in early new england. while en route to the new world on board the arbella, john winthrop wrote a sermon entitled "a model of chr**tian charity," in which he outlined purposes of the colon**ts for new england, ideals for them to realize and the ways and means to gain the ends. after fully analyzing the contents of the sermon, the d**sertation concludes that h** sermon ** no less than a blueprint for the puritan colony and its principals h**e been applied to building the colony. in th** sense, the sermon should be given particular regard since what it contains ** important guiding principles for the colony’s establ**hment and construction.the d**sertation d**cusses how winthrop ... 研究领域 美国早期殖民地历史 总页码 282 参考文献总数 380 答辩日期 2006-12-16 馆藏 021/d2007(30) 20210311