
蛇精病院大夫疯了。 2024-06-02 00:47:25
self-assessment work seriously, cheerful and lively personality, with excellent communication skills.familiar with the operation of the housing loan process.h**e good quality customer groups.primarily responsible for real estate and housing loan business intermediary companies linked to bank loans and provide referrals for individuals to purchase housing counseling services.housing mortgage loans mainly secondary transfer the loan, mortgages, provident fund loans and other related financial services.after a long period of accumulation and a good business reputation and good service, now h**e a large number of intermediaries and individual customers.banks and credit departments h**e maintained a good business relationship.i will provide loan services to customers through the selection of suitable materials to assess banksand through professional assessment of the quality of client companies to assess property values and to prevent the emergence of non-performing loans.the stat**tical reports for the products produced. 20210311

  • 帮帮忙把这篇文章日文翻译成中文
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