根据牛津英语字典所记载,“long time no see”这一短句最早收录在美国陆军上尉卓尔能(w.f.drannan)所著的《平原上的三十一年》(31 years on plain)一书中,根据书中的描述,一名男性印第安人用不太纯熟的英语向旁白员打招呼:“good mornin.long time no see you.”(早上好,很久没有...
th** serves to **rm you that senegal authority will begin implementation of ctn or bsc with effective from 1st march 2019(bill of loading...船舶,船 理解为船名。...
not h**e international credit没有国际信用双语对照例句:1.if they did, they wouldn't h**e credit cards. 如果他们在意,他们不会去拥有**。2.we also h**e international health insurance covering medical emergenciesand evacuations...