
Kitmanhsu 2024-06-07 06:51:36
abstractcompanies l**ted on mergers and acqu**itions, restructuring and the international flow of resources, creating a large number of cross-industry and trans-regional, cross-border group, these groups of companies often across several nature, r**ks and profitability of different industries and markets, even faced with the div**ion of the state policy r**ks, the company makes to the overall bas** for the expression of the usefulness of financial **rmation and accuracy reduced. china's min**try of finance in february 2006 promulgated the "standards no. 35 - div**ion report," the report of the div**ion theoretical and practical problems in a basic norms, but in the implementation process there are still some problems. the full text ** divided into four parts: the first part of the div**ion of the basic theory at the core, introduced the report of div**ion and the meaning of the d**tinction between div**ion and reports of the concept of the role of the div**ion and the div**ion to identify and determine the sample. the second part of the guangxi branch of the sunshine group as an example the report on financial analys**. in order to evaluate their overall r**k and reward, through comparative analys**, ratio analys** and trend analys** of the div**ions that led to the profit and loss reasons, the relative importance of various div**ions, the reasons for the change in corporate growth, the div**ions the relative profitability, asset movements in div**ion, the div**ion of assets relative percentage of the asset management div**ion of practice efficiency. through analys** we can better understand the operation of enterpr**es and financial r**ks, the source of profits and the future development prospects. the third part ** in the cas35 and ias14, fa**131 compared on the bas** of the report on china's branch in the div**ion and the div**ion of the type of div**ion of **rmation d**closure, accounting policies and other aspects of the problem ** to improvesuggestion.参考 20210311

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