
猫眼大明星 2024-06-26 19:02:32
compares with the common enterpr**e, the high new technology enterpr**e has the high investment, the noble character danger, the high rentability as well as the enterpr**e **rmation transparency low status character**tic. the high new technology enterpr**e must realize the high speed development, must use the massive research and development and the operation fund, but the venture capital may provide massively for the high new technology enterpr**e, sufficient fund. the venture capital ** the high-tech enterpr**e growth and the scientific and technical payoffs industrial production important force, can promote the industrial structure and the economic structure adjustment, the perfect enterpr**e financing system, the optimized capital d**position, increases the national wealth. the zhejiang province high new technology enterpr**e introduced the venture capital still to be at the start stage, with the developed country and beijing, shanghai, guangdong compared still had the quite big d**parity. therefore, studies the zhejiang province high technology and new technology venture capital development the present situation and proposed that the corresponding countermeasure measure has extremely urgent and the vital practical significance. th** article first to venture capital's essence, the function and the character**tic has made the brief introduction, proposed zhejiang province's high new technology enterpr**e introduces the venture capital the necessity, then expands from our country high new technology venture capital development condition, introduced the zhejiang high new technology business r**k investment development present situation, and through the external environment, the talented person, the channel three aspect factor's concrete elaboration, analyzed the zhejiang high new technology enterpr**e to introduce the venture capital ex**tence emphatically the reason, finally proposed solved these question feasible countermeasure. 20210311

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