
萝 卜哥哥 2024-09-25 02:52:01
q:good morning! a:good morning.can i help u? q:yes,i’m holding some shares of i want to know some present **rmation about the company. a: u know, last monday,an earthquake broke.chinese insurance firms h**e paid 1.7 million yuan in earthquake-related claims as of may 14. but,nobody knows what the total damages will be. th** payment will drag down the companys’ earnings indeed. as a result,these companys’stock may go down as investers expected in short term. q: u mean i should sell the shares i hold? a: in my opinion,if u want to invest in long term.u can wait to see. china life insurance co. and ping an, the nation's biggest insurers, h**e yet to extend their reach across china, where only 4 percent of the nation's 1.3 billion people h**e insurance, according to data compiled by international. the insurance penetration in china ** generally very low. since the snowstorm d**asters and the earthquake, chinese people are becoming more aware of insurance. it's f**orable for chinese insurance's long-term development. if u want to gain the long-term profit, u can just hold on. q:the earthquake make so huge damage, will it destroy the macro economic then ? sichuan ** a big province in terms of population and agriculture output but its share in china's total industrial and manufacturing output ** relatively small. thus,though the quake ** an enormous human tragedy, its impact on china's economic growth to be temporary and limited. probably the largest macro impact ** ra**ing the upside r**ks to china inflation outlook in the near term.the ** may make a series of measures to reduce the inflation, which may affect finance market a lot. q: what about the non-ferrous metal plate? investors bet that china's power shortages could be aggr**ated by damage to dams and the grid by the recent earthquake, leading to lower supplies.aluminium prices rose back above the key $3,000-a-tonne level last friday 20210311

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