
? 2024-06-01 09:06:58
投资入股吧!a:thanks for coming over. i'm sorrry i couldn't get to your office on time.b:that's all right. it's not unusual for a stockier(证券经纪人) to keep these hours. and besides, you're an old friend.a:so, as i was saying. i think th** might be a good time for me to invest in that computer company. as my stockbroker(股票经纪人), what do you think?b:i think they're doing extremely well. and they would probably welcome your investment.a:if they're doing so well, why do they need my investment?b:all right. let me explain a little abot corporate finance.a:go ahead. when it concerns mymoney, i'm very interested.b;first of all, corporate enterpr**es(合资公司), need financing, especially if they want to expand. now, there are two basic types of financing.a:and what are they.b:equity(入股) and debt(举债).a:what's the difference?b:the use of money supplied by the owners of a business ** called equity funding(入股融资), and the use of money supplied by loans ** called debt funding(举债融资).a:so what am i, as an investor?b:well, you become a partial owner of the company and receive equity. you get shares or ertificfes of coommon stock to represent your portion of ownership.a: that's where you come in(那是你的目的所在), right? buying the stock for me.b:right. by the way, i bought a copy of the company's annual report over for you to look over. you should read it very carefully. ask me if you h**e any questions about anything in it.a:thanks. i will. say(哎), does th** company pay dividends(分红利) on its stock?b:yes. as a matter of fact, i've looked into th** organization very carefully. i can report that they h**e good management, their business ** doing quite well and the value of their stock has been r**ing. i consider th** to be an excellent long-term investment, as far as i'm concern.a:but suppose i want to sell my shares soon?b:no problem. you would no doubt make a profit on the sale. but i think you might want to keep th** company in you porifolio(证券类投资项目).a:i must say that you've always given me good advice.b:well, my advice now ** to study the company's annual report. you need several days to do that. then we'll talk some more. 20210311

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