ayn rand huang jun, a senior engineer set beidaihe rand, deputy general manager of science and technology co., ltd. langfang production rand technology development co., ltd., chairman address: tel: ph...
as early as 1985,宝洁公司(p&g),being one of the biggest daily consumable products companies in the world,has already quietly involved in skin care industry when it acquired 奥兰(olay)(oil of olay)products l...
2010年 8月 4日(hi)你好(my name ** mr.peter tung shun wong.)我的名字是 王孙腾<英译><英文名是皮特先生>。(there ** a sum of $44.5milion in my bank hang seng bank, hong kong)有 44,500,000 美元现金在我**的恒生银行里。(there were no...
in august, 2007, the subprime cr**** ". the default rate in subprime mortgages to fuse by wall street in the world, and many of the d**ciples together "create" of global banking, d**aster, hedge funds...