关于政资项目绩效评价的探索和思考摘要:**投资项目绩效评价作为目前项目管理的重要课题,它不仅表现了**公共财政支出的效率性、经济性,还反应出**投资项目执行人员对此次项目要求的遵从度以及公众们对项目实施的满意度。因此,如何使**投资项目的财政支出得到有效利用,不仅是**迫切要解决的问题,同时也是公众极为关心的问题。这样一来,积极推行**投资项目绩效评价,落实财政资金支出问题,就成了现阶段我国**面临的一项新的任务。关键词:**投资项目绩效评价思考abstract: the performance evaluation of ** investment projects as at present the important subject of project management, it not only represent the **’s public spending efficiency and economy, but also reflect the ** investment projects for the executive required to comply with the degree and the public h**e the sat**faction of the implementation of the project. therefore, how to make the ** investment project financial expenditure **ailable, not only ** the ** urgent problems to solve, and at the same time ** also the public are extremely concerned about problems. in th** way, actively promote the performance evaluation of ** investment projects, to carry out the financial ca 20210311