
在路上 2024-06-03 17:26:47
the iron and steel enterpr**es as the basic industry in china, its development directly influences the development of the shipbuilding industry, construction industry, machinery industry, automobile industry, household appliances and other industries. since twenty-first century, the rapid development of china's iron and steel enterpr**es, has become the world's first steel producing countries. but in recent years, the operating performance of the general bias of iron and steel enterpr**es in china, some companies even consecutive losses. profitability ** one of the most important performance index to reflect the financial situation of enterpr**es, the current profitability of steel enterpr**es ** generally weak in the background, the research of iron and steel enterpr**es profit ability ** very important. based on the related indexes of profit margin, cost margins and the rate of return on net assets as the profitability of the situation, analyze the reasons of the problems, the profitability of steel enterpr**es, finally puts forward some suggestions to enhance china's steel enterpr**es profitability 20210311

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  • 求翻译 ?
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  • 求大神翻译一下,谢谢,谢谢!!
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    孝闵姐姐你好!我是新加坡的粉丝,不会韩国话,但是从现在开始要学习韩文。以后我的韩国话拜托你了!这封信是我的朋友帮我翻译的,如果有错误的地方请多关照。过去两个月辛苦啦。但是t-ara表演非常成功。希望下次在新加坡 亚细亚投资 再次见到你!不论发生什么事情 我会永远的支持t-ara 支持你!身体...
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