
崔喜猫 2024-06-05 22:43:53
table 1 shows ceo age, the percentage of the ceos’ ownership of equity and stock options outstanding in the firm, and their voting power. 表格1显示了首席执行官(ceo)的年龄,ceo拥有资产的百比 以及 在公司里突出的股票购置权 还有 他们的投票权利。ceos’ voting power ** the sum of the percentage ofshares that ceos and their immediate families beneficially own, ceos’ stock options outstanding plus the percentage of shares over which ceos h**ing the sole or shared power to direct the voting(such as being a co-trustee of an employees’ trust or a co-trustee of a charitablefoundation trust). ceo的投票权利是指ceo们和与他们有利益相关的直系亲属拥有的份额所占百分比的总合,ceo们突出的股票购置权加上 拥有核心或是共享的权利的ceo的控股率能够决定投票。(不好意思,翻译的有点别扭)the **erage age of a ceo in the sample ** 57.在例子中,ceo的平均年龄是57岁。 ceos hold on **erage 5.9% in the form of equity and stock options outstanding in their firms (median = 1.2%), and ceos’ voting power exceeds their direct ownership on **erage by 3.1%.*ceo们在显示控股权的表格拥有平均5.9%,他们的控股权在公司里是十分突出的(一般人是1.2%),并且ceo们的投票权利平均超过了他们直接拥有的财产的3.1%。(注:本人并不是很知道什么投票权利到底是什么东西)outside blockholders: 股东以外:outside blockholders’ investment in the firm varieswith their identity. 股东以外的公司里的投资随着人的身分的不同而不同。the number of firms in the sample reporting the presence of individual investors, institutional investors, and corporations holding at least5% of their firms ** 20, 46, and 20, respectively.案例中的公司内的数字分别报道了个体投资的人数,公共机构的投资者人数以及至少控有5%的这些人所属公司,这三部分的数字分别是20,46和20。size of the board and its composition: table 2 shows the size and composition of the board of directors. each board, on **erage, has 10.4 members.理事会的人数和组成:表格2展示了 董事局成员的组成和规模。每一个董事会平均有10.4名成员。nearly 56% of the directors are outsiders. 近56 %的董事是外人。 these directors are either retired from or currently employed in the following industries: 这些董事目前要么已经退休,要么正在从事在以下行业32.7% are from manufacturing firms, 3.6% are from s**ings and loans or banks, 3.4% are investment bankers, 1.6% are venture capital**ts, and 1.1% are from insurance companies. 32.7%来自制造商公司,3.6%来自储蓄和贷款公司或银行,3.4%是投资银行家,1.6%是风险资本家,1.1%是来自保险公司。the remainder of outside directors are academics, former ** and military employees, consultants, clergy, and employees of nonprofit organizations.其余的外部董事都是学者,前**和军方雇员,顾问,神职人员,以及非盈利性组织的员工.4.2. regression results4.2. 回归结果regression estimates for the structure of compensation appear in table 3. 为结构的补偿的回归估计出现在表3the results are reported separately for ceos, top executives, and all officers and directors as a group. 结果分别为 作为一个疑团整体的首席执行官,高层管理人员,以及所有管理人员和董事 做了报告。 the estimates for performance are presented in table 4.对于表现状况的估测出现在表4。following eaton and rosen (1983), they reported results in all the tables are based on the **erages of variables over 1979 and 1980, except for the proxy for business r**k, which ** measured over 1973-1983. 以下为伊顿和罗森( 1983 ) ,他们基于1979到1980之间不同情况的平均状况将报告结果反映在所有表格中,而这表过不包括1973-1983所测的代理业务的风险。i use th** approach to account for unusual changes that may h**e occurred in the variables.我用这个办法去记录在常规变化中 不寻常 的改变。4.2.1. compensation structure4.2.1补偿体系table 3 shows the regression results for the equity-based percentage of total compensation.表格3展示了关于 以股票为基础的总共赔偿的百分比 的回归结果。对不起,我不是学习金融管理的,所以许多词可能翻译的不恰当,但绝对是自己翻译。 20210311

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