
?? 2024-09-27 23:01:21
automobile brake ** measured for the performance of a very important index,** driving an important guarantee of security personnel.the brake performance of good condition,it directly restricts the other properties of the play to the car.th** ** first introduced the automobile ... 20210311

  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-27 23:30:34
    • 提问者: 未知
  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-27 01:19:09
    • 提问者: 未知
    要感谢!insurance law of the people's republic of china:article 18.an insurance contract shall principally include:(1)name and address of the insurer;(2)name and address of the applicant and the ins.
  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-27 02:19:56
    • 提问者: 未知
    4 有助于出口型中小企业提高国际竞争能力和抗风险能力.be helpful to exporting smes to ra**e international competitiveness and r**k-res**ting ability首先,人民币升值,降低了企业能源和原材料的进口成本.first,.
  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-27 21:06:13
    • 提问者: 未知
    traditional financial reports to the balance sheet,income statement and a cash flow statement as the core,reflecting the financial **rmation has highlighted enough to sat**fy the needs of **rmat.
  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-27 23:26:15
    • 提问者: 未知
    after the earthquake,the sichuan residents started to rebuild their home with the help across the world. due to the financial cr****,the competition for jobs has become very fierce.
  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-27 17:12:33
    • 提问者: 未知
    at present,the state ** wo**ng to promote new rural construction of ** and rural integration process,th** ** through the theoretical analys** and practical survey method of combining the anal.
  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-27 11:51:13
    • 提问者: 未知
    obviously,the financial order and financial development,financial innovation and financial superv**ion vacancy,imbalance of american financial cr**** ** an important reason. in addition,the problem of...
  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-27 05:50:40
    • 提问者: 未知
    abstractas impartant participant of market economy,small medium enterpr**es not only push social economical development,but also relieve pressure of socail employment,expand exporting trade,promot.
  • 英语 翻译
    • 2024-09-27 09:51:19
    • 提问者: 未知
  • 英语翻译
    • 2024-09-27 08:26:54
    • 提问者: 未知
    since july 3,1998,**sued the"on the further deepening of the ** housing system reform,speed up housing construction notice",china's real estate industry rapid development,has gradually become an impor...

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