
绿茶丷等2188.9W人 2024-06-04 03:33:14
"we must be the great arsenal of democracy." president franklin d. roosevelt, 1941 i think the roosevelt's new deal rescue america way of life. because in us h**tory, the programs introduced by president franklin d roosevelt in 1933 to tackle the great depression, including employment on public works, farm loans at low rates, and social reforms such as old-age and unemployment insurance, prevention of child labor, protection of employees against unfair practices by employers, and loans to local authorities for slum clearance. in 1933 the new president, franklin roosevelt, brought an air of confidence and optim**m that quickly rallied the people to the banner of h** program, known as the new deal. "the only thing we h**e to fear ** fear itself," the president declared in h** inaugural address to the nation. i think a country must be united. the unite states ** a great country, although the country experience many of difficult, it all went on to the end. until now, the unite states becomes that there ** first largest country in the world. there h**e much great president in h**tory. i think franklin d. roosevelt was one of among which. during th** time, the unite states social unstable, people did not h**e food to eat. all the presidents before roosevelt were powerless. so they cannot change the great depression. because roosevelt was powerful he was able to deal with the great depression. he guarantees to be able to change the all these to the people. and he implemented the new deal. the new deal program was largely designed by a body of professors and other expert adv**ers (nicknamed the brain trust) in 1932. its aims were helped by a devaluation of the dollar by 40%, by the revitalization of the reconstruction finance corporation set up by roosevelt's predecessor, herbert hoover, which granted the necessary loans, and by the abandonment of the gold standard. what was truly novel about the new deal, however, was the speed with which it accompl**hed what previously had taken generations. in fact, many of the reforms were hastily drawn and weakly admin**tered; some actually contradicted others. and during the entire new deal era, public critic**m and debate were never interrupted or suspended; in fact, the new deal brought to the individual citizen a sharp revival of interest in **. powerful ** not wrong, if it ** used properly. people feel you represent them. roosevelt will represent the whole time in h**tory. he was a great president. i will always think so. 20210311

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