
H像冬天的可可 2024-06-01 23:01:49
the enterpr**e incentive mechan**m in the input and mobilize the wo**ng enthusiasm of the staff, the staff of the company to improve the view, and to improve the company's customer evaluation, and promote sales growth to enable enterpr**es to form a virtuous cycle. incentive mechan**m ** used to resolve the relationship between clients and agents the power mechan**m, the client how to design an effective incentive system to guide agents consciously take appropriate actions to achieve the client's utility maximization. in corporate governance, to assess the main incentive mechan**m ** to assess the remuneration policy: pay system should h**e a stronger incentive, pay and company performance should be closely linked at the same time, the company design incentive pay should be based on specific incentives and the optimal alternative r**k-sharing the basic principles, according to company and industry specific character**tics of specific kinds of mechan**ms rational combination of the best overall play the incentive effects. 20210311

  • 建立翻译啊!!!!急用!!!!谢谢了
    • 2024-06-01 14:23:28
    • 提问者: 未知
    个人概况: personal profiles: 姓 名:☆性 别:男 name:gender:male 籍 贯:☆民 族:汉族 birthplace:☆nationality:han 出生年月:☆**面貌:入党积极分子 date of birth:☆political affiliation:activ**ts 学 历:大学本科☆专 业:电气工程及其自动化 degree:bachelor's d...
  • 急求翻译~~
    • 2024-06-01 11:04:58
    • 提问者: 未知
  • **摘要翻译~急!!!
    • 2024-06-01 02:39:57
    • 提问者: 未知
    the financial cr**** enormous ** affected by the whole world, everywhere **sue of obtaining employment ** gradually austere, but th** one condition can be used those the difficult personnel who obtain...
  • 急求翻译!
    • 2024-06-01 15:41:42
    • 提问者: 未知
    in charge of amounting to 13 scientific research projects,including fund project of multiple national natural science,spa**ng plan project of guangdong province,group's research project of natural sc.
  • 求翻译急!~!!
    • 2024-06-01 15:26:14
    • 提问者: 未知
    所以我们讲了一整夜终生那里第二天就要被我当我们把25 保持思想的时代将不会改变.不断思考,但同样的事情永远留在我们今年才不会卷土重来 我们的事业没有挂出了不同的轨道运行,如果你需要的东西你要说 你说现在事业更好你不用一天我们事业前进,我们不能做慢 下午回忆起这些好的电影,我喜欢保持我思想...
  • 急论文摘要翻译
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    abstract: by the u.s. subprime mortgage cr**** caused by the financial turmoil, wall street today already became a worldwide financial cr****, cause global economy into recession. financial cr**** cau...
  • 外文文献翻译 紧急!!!不要软件翻!!最好9号之前翻出来!!谢谢!!
    • 2024-06-01 12:43:30
    • 提问者: 未知
  • 求翻译,急用!明天就要考了,不要用翻译软件的翻译,翻译专业一些,谢谢!
    • 2024-06-01 03:10:24
    • 提问者: 未知
    1)marie 和joseph patterson都是全职工作,他们用10000元的积蓄在一家处于发展阶段的软件公司购买了股票,他们认为这家软件公司很强大,他们的投资远不值10000块钱。patterson在软件公司的投资是冒险投资的一个例子,投资的结果或者他们会获得财富,或者会失去部分甚至全部投资资金。他们还会面临着...
  • 急需翻译
    • 2024-06-01 16:37:22
    • 提问者: 未知
    2.3需要新的安全目标为未来新建核反应堆 尽管安全目标提供了一个非常有效的方法,建立一个基础的反应堆安全评价,确定“多安全才足够”,他们拥有一些重要的限制和挑战,特别是对于未来新建核反应堆。而使用该子公司的措施和lerf cdf已被证明是有价值的执行委员会的安全的哲学,他们倾向于关注的焦点倾斜,...
  • 急求摘要 翻译
    • 2024-06-01 00:37:15
    • 提问者: 未知
    abstract:since the accession to the wto,as the car continued to move up the consumption,the increasing emphas** on the automobile industry.especially the"corporate governance approach to automobile fi...

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