** your opportunity really too good to be true 帮忙翻译啊

知秋 2024-06-04 00:19:38
**e you ever heard the term, “if it sounds to good to be true then it probably **.” on the surface, th** ** a very good cautionary phrase but you should not let th** phrase keep you from a good opportunity just because it sounds too good to be true. to be successful in any thing you do there will always be some level of r**k to endure.你曾经是否听过这句话: 如果一件事好的听起来不像是真的,那么很可能它就不是真的.表面上这是一个不错的警讯,但是不要因为这句话,你就把所有听起来非常不错的机会都拒之门外. 在任何上如果想取得成功,都要承担一定的风险.there are many great opportunities online that sounds too good to be true but if you look a little deeper, you just may find that you are really getting what ** being advert**ed and possibly more. you can also find business owners and online marketers are practically giving away secrets to their success, to some degree, and all anyone has to do ** jump on-board and commit to wo**ng the opportunity in the manner that it ** being presented to them.网上有很多听起来好的不太可能的机会,如果你仔细看一下,你可能就会发现你真的得到了这些机会所说的.你也会发现一些商业老板和网上的营销者们真的在一定程度上在分享他们的成功秘密,而且你要做的就是加入进来投入到给与的机会中全力的工作。when you are looking at an interesting opportunity; and questioning the opportunity, simply google the company’s name looking for any complaints about the company, or search the better business bureau website () for any complaints about the company, its products, and services. th** will give you some wo**ng knowledge to better guide your dec**ion on whether to take the r**k of wo**ng with the company or opportunity. in addition, you should be looking for any adverse actions taken against the company and it products. if you should find some negative action against the company, look closely at how the situation concluded and if it was handled in a f**orable manner for both parties. th** will let you know how well the company handles it customers and complaints.当你看到一个有趣的机会,并对它产生疑问时,只要用google搜索这个公司的名字以及任何关于公司的投诉,或者用这个“优化商务局”网站来搜索。它会给你一些工作方面的知识来更好的指导你做出决定是否接受与公司合作的风险。而且,你应该找到任何针对这家公司的敌对行动。如果你找到了对这家公司的负面的行动,仔细地观察事情的结局还有是否以一种双方都有利的方式得到了解决。你会从中发现这家公司处理客户关系与投诉的好与坏。way the pros and conswith any business or opportunity you are considering, you should way the pros and cons of wo**ng with that company or opportunity. doing th** will lead you down the road of your final dec**ion. if the initial cost of the opportunity ** within your budget and you h**e more pros than cons then the opportunity just may be a good r**k for you to take. in short, your success will come down to one question you should ask yourself, “** th** opportunity a viable r**k i can take at th** moment?” considering that you h**e done your homework on the company, you should feel quite safe with taking th** r**k (opportunity). by taking these cautionary steps, you can guide yourself a bit better in order to jump on-board of your great opportunity ship when it comes in. if you use th** phrase, “if it sounds too good to be true then it probably **.” you just may be setting yourself up to m**s your huge opportunity ship when it comes in.正反两面权衡对于你考虑得任何业务或者机会,你应该从正反两面权衡一下与这家公司合作或者利用这次机会的。权衡之后再作最后的决定。如果开始的成本在预算内,而且好处多与坏出那么很值得去冒险。总之,你的成功最后就是你要问自己的一个问题:我在这一刻是否能够承担这一风险?现在你已经充分的了解了这家公司,承担这一风险对你来说应该是安全的。通过这些谨慎的步骤,当机会来临时你就会更好的利用你的机会。如果你坚持这句:事情太过美妙不像真实的时候,有可能就不是真实的。那么当你的机会来临时,你就有可能错过你的机会。in conclusion, making a dec**ion on whether to join or pass on an opportunity should never be based solely on the well-known phrase, “if it sounds too good to be true then it probably **.” the opportunity just may be like microsoft’s stock, a sleeping mega giant of an opportunity. always look further than the surface of the opportunity.总结,对于时抓住机会还是放弃机会,不应该依据一个大家熟悉的警句作为决定的唯一的标准。机会就像微软的股票一样,是巨大的机会。永远透过机会的表面去观察。 20210311

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