帮我翻译一下吧 万分感激!!

易缇秀穿戴养生倡导者 2024-06-04 16:40:36
park tae-hwan "match-ups," break the asian record win "the great ambition there, ji yun-fan ji sea" - 14 evening, the men's 200 meters freestyle final. 21-year-old swimming star park tae-hwan of korea as the propeller-like legs soar, the first to get to the end of h** excitement in the pool laughing sky, f**ts provoked large spray. 1 minute 44 seconds 80 results, not only set a record in asia, but also the world of the project th** year, good results. lonely experience more than a year, the asian games swimming wizards finally finds himself on the track. 2008 beijing olympic games in 400 meters freestyle, the putai heng zhang lin was defeated, as south korea won the first olympic swimming gold medal in h**tory, ** famous in korea. park tae-hwan was state of decline since then, the world championships in rome in 2009, crop failure. park tae-hwan experienced a painful adjustment and zhang lin 14 in the "yu liang d**pute", once again proved their strength. the next several match-ups, park tae-hwan completed the 100 meters, 400 meters, 1,500 m freestyle round attack, the three gold and two silver and two bronze in the bag, but also to h** personal experience relief in a trough of zhang lin: do not despair, do not give up. 20210311

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