
往后余生 2024-06-20 19:30:03
aggregate three of the best 1, we h**e students from different grades according to the master, and the absorption of knowledge, tailored for them a different curriculum, teaching will be the most effective optimization, and essay contests in the way news**s and magazines to carry out the financial management the theme of students essay contests, and th** has aroused the widespread concern. the creation of the forum as a platform for other f**cal. 2, we in the classroom interludes a brilliant game by allowing their own simulation building and the actual selection of classes to participate in the operation of the flea market, let kids in the new-happy experience, the atmosphere of the capital market operations, allocation of resources, to develop their integrity, conservation, innovation, and protection of the environment, the quality of social care. 3. drama held a party to encourage children to learn to use the financial management knowledge in the creation of the drama, entertaining, very good results. and lead the children v**ited the university's currency museum, and so on, to enable them to gain more knowledge and understanding of the market. 3 good enough 1, coverage ** not big enough. the teaching involves only the two schools, the influence ** still far from enough in the future, eop tasks. 2, the lack of teaching experience. the medium of instruction in high school, it was difficult to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students, teaching contents inflexible, and in need of improvement. 3. need to be supplemented project promotion scheme (we almost think these two are a lot of you th** election) 2, and expand the scope of the audience through the students and family activities, led parents to participate in the promotion of the cause of financial management, and can be in the community and carry out a wide range of social and financial management education. 3, in cooperation with the department of education character**tics courses, the establ**hment of specialized financial project management institute, in all primary and secondary schools generally open stations f**cal courses, establ**h and improve the financial management system of teachers. 4, in the education and well-known web site to put up the topic of financial management education network through the internet to d**seminate financial community knowledge. 5, the rural areas will benefit from the city, a city of rural primary and secondary school children in primary and secondary schools and exchanges between children in the countryside to cities more understanding of the economic situation, but also in ** children learn thrift and economy. 6, and the cities and towns and other countries h**e establ**hed good contacts schools, youth organizations of the financial exchanges, the establ**hment of friendship, learn from each other. 8, a child of bank accounts, to their own personal practice to manage their own money. the impact on children financial diary by writing to let children h**e a habit of spending a day a reasonable plan through on classroom knowledge, so that the children could understand the function of the financial institutions, the institute of rational consumption, and their correct understanding of the church consumption and s**ings. in the game cultivate children good habits, inspiring their innovative thinking, to transfer them to the concept of life planning, so that they grow up strong and healthy. project summary (situation, the solution, the result) conduct reasons: 7 ~ 19-year-old children to create economic opportunities, to promote financial education so that the children could learn labor, thrift, innovation, and social concerns in: contact school for courses, classes, pigaizuoye results: impact of the economic beh**ior of the children, with the economic thinking in the life of some of the problems we chose th** project in the form of the school, the school itself ** the expansion of the scope of teaching, the impact of china's different levels of different age groups at different stages of economic conditions in schools originally yushuowai basic skills-based teaching philosophy, and th** has led to the education sector thinking of the children's education. our projects h**e good prospects, i believe that in the future it will be more broader development. 20210311

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