谁能帮我翻译一下 高分回报哦!~~~

孙尚香and寒忆? 2024-06-16 11:34:01
th** article first proposed the migrant workers returning home the concept of entrepreneurship and its character**tics. secondly, from social factors, family factors, the capital, demand factors and employment factors in five aspects of migrant workers to go home for the cause of entrepreneurship. third, analys** of the entrepreneurial process of migrant workers returning home in some of the problems: 1, to go home for the degree of entrepreneurial organizations are imperfect, the lack of entrepreneurial guidance 2, the tax and fee burden ** too he**y, entrepreneurial system of a poor environment, 3, the **'s financial resources lack of support, venture financing difficulties; 4, entrepreneurship blindness, the market reaction insensitivity. finally, returning home in the venture made a series of policy recommendations: 1, to speed up the construction of small towns, migrant workers returning home for the entrepreneurial venture platform structures. 2, to be returned entrepreneurs preferential policy, for creating a good policy environment and social environment. 3, entrepreneurial farmers returning home to strengthen the entrepreneurial skills training. 4, entrepreneurial farmers returning home to strengthen the protection of the legitimate rights and interests. 5, promoting the rural financial reform, f**cal and tax policy support. 20210311

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