加拿大金融硕士(mba)项目,无需工作经验基本就很难申请到好的学校了, 可以考虑读ma经济学科, 也是和商有关系的, 有可以申请到不错的学校。也没有gmat,gre的要求m.a. program in economics (ubc)china: we request that applicants from china h**e at least a completed bachelor's degree when applying to the department of economics. eligibility for the m.a. program in economics requires a completed four-year bachelor's degree with an overall b+ (85% or better). eligibility for the ph.d. program requires a master's degree with first-class standing. applicants must arrange for the subm**sion of official transcripts and degree certificates in chinese and certified engl**h translations. all transcripts and degree certificates must be received in university envelopes sealed and endorsed by the **suing university.ma students (sfu)the usual prerequ**ite for adm**sion into the master's program ** a bachelor's degree in economics with a first or high second class standing. the minimum cumulative grade point **erage required for adm**sion ** 3.0. students with strong backgrounds in d**ciplines other than economics may also be admitted as qualifying students to give them the opportunity to strengthen their economics background. 20210311