**建设银行深圳分行**支行 construction bank of china,shenzhen(branch),jinsha sub-branch 也可以简写为cbc,shenzhen(branch),jinsha sub-branch 支行是sub-branch 分行 是 branch 下面有标准翻译可以参考: http://edu.beelink.com.cn/20070115/2214702.shtml 20210311
给您一份能看明白的中文翻译: 22.1-no termination of th** agreement shall extingu**h,modify or otherw**e effect any change in the rights or obligations of either party hereto relating to transactions occurring prior...
机器翻译已泛滥成灾啦!! th** specialized field ** to foster senior specialized personnel who are application-oriented, with foundation knowledge of modern management theories and technical knowledge of computer ...
states are legitimate pay close attention to how the financial turmoil will destroy the great powers of europe and the united states,while a polar"xanadu"as a small country-iceland has sounded a ear-p...
楼上是用机器翻的吧东方股份有限公司由东方电机厂(始建于1958年)于1993年12月28日经股份制改制成立。 为配合上级主管单位**东方电气集团公司整体上市,公司于2007年12月20日经**工商行政管理**批准,更名为东方电气集团东方电机有限公司,并于2008年1月30日完成工商登记注册。 oriental electrical machine co., ltd was founded by a...
for l**ted company,the most important financial index are earnings per share, net asset per share and net assets yield. these three criterias are used for judging the benefits of l**ted companies,and ...
after wto accessing, the most obvious cost of china banking industry ** the reduction of certain proportion of market share. it ** estimated that after 5 years of wto accessing, the time to open finan...
not likely to happen in a century finance of usa seaquake has swept the globe, europe , asia none escape by sheer luck, the whole world stock market falls most very much since encountering great depre...