有谁知道"compliance audit report"是什么意思?

杨牧源_13 2024-05-30 04:07:59
这是注册审计师 cia 的相关东西啊 compliance audit report==合规性审计报告a. iia professional practices framework (e.g., code of ethics, standards, practice adv**ories) iia专业实务框架(如,《职业道德规范》、《标准》、《实务公告》) b. other professional., legal, and regulatory standards 其他专业的、法律的和法规的标准 2. maintain awareness of potential for fraud when conducting an engagement 在实施审计业务时要保持防范潜在舞弊的意识 a. notice indicators or symptoms of fraud 注意舞弊的迹象和征兆 b. design appropriate engagement steps to address significant r**k of fraud 设计适当的审计业务步骤以应对重大的舞弊风险 c. employ audit tests to detect fraud 采用审计测试以发现舞弊 d. determine if any suspected fraud merits investigation 确定是否应该对任何可疑的舞弊进行调查 3. collect data. 收集数据 4. evaluate the relevance, sufficiency, and competence of evidence. 评估证据的相关性、充分性和适当性 5. analyze and interpret data. 分析和解释数据 6. develop work**s. 编制审计工作底稿 7. review work**s. 复核审计工作底稿 8. communicate interim progress. 沟通中期进展情况 9. draw conclusions. 得出结论 10. develop recommendations when appropriate. 在适当的时候编制建议书 11. report engagement results 报告审计业务结果 a. conduct exit conference 召开退出会议 b. prepare report or other communication 编制审计报告或其他沟通文件 c. approve engagement report 批准审计业务报告 d. determine d**tribution of report 确定审计报告的分发 e. obtain management response to report 取得管理层对报告的反馈意见 12. conduct client sat**faction survey. 实施顾客满意度调查 13. complete performance appra**als of engagement staff. 完成审计业务人员的业绩评价 b. conduct specific engagements (25 - 35 percent) (proficiency level) 实施具体审计业务(25 - 35 %)(要求熟练掌握) 1. conduct assurance engagements. 实施保证业务 a. fraud investigation. 舞弊调查 1) determine appropriate parties to be involved with investiagion 确定调查的适当对象 2) establ**h facts and extent of fraud (e.g., interviews, interrogations, and data analys**) 证实舞弊事实和程度(如,面谈、讯问和数据分析) 3) report outcomes to apprpriate parties 向适当方面报告结果 4) complete a process review to improve controls to prevent fraud and recommend changes 对过程进行检查以改善预防舞弊的控制,并提出改进建议。 b. r**k and control self-assessment 风险和控制自我评价 1) facilitated approach 促进方法 (a) client-facilitated 审计业务客户自我促进 (b) audit-facilitated 审计促进 2) questionnaire approach 调查问卷方法 3) self-certification approach 自我认证方法 c. audits of third parties and contract auditing. 第三方审计和合同审计 d. quality audit engagements. 质量审计业务 e. due diligence audit engagements. 尽职调查审计业务 f. security audit engagements. 安全审计业务 g. privacy audit engagements. 保密审计业务 h. performance (key performance indicators) audit engagements 绩效(主要业绩指标)审计业务 i. operational (efficiency and effectiveness) audit engagements 经营(效率和效果)审计业务 j. financial audit engagements. 财务审计业务 k. compliance audit engagements. 合规性审计业务 l. **rmation technology (it) audit engagements. 信息技术(it)审计业务 1) operating systems 操作系统 (a) mainframe 大型机 (b) workstations 工作站 (c) server 服务器 2) application development 应用软件开发 (a) application authentication 应用软件认证 (b) systems development methodology 系统开发方法学 (c) change control 变动控制 (d) end user computing 终端用户计算 3) data and network communications 数据和网络通讯 4) voice communications 语音通讯 5) system security (e.g., firewalls, access control) 系统安全(如,防火墙、访问控制) 6) contingency planning 应急计划 7) databases 数据库 8) data center operations 数据中心运行 9) web infrastructure 网络基础设施 10) software licensing 软件许可 2. conduct consulting engagements 实施咨询业务 a. internal control training 内部控制培训 b. business process review 经营过程检查 c. benchma**ng 基准比较法 d. **rmation technology (it) and systems development 信息技术(it)与系统开发 e. design of performance measurement systems 业绩测评系统的设计 c. monitor engagement outcomes (5 - 15 percent)(proficiency level) 监督审计业务结果(5– 15%)(要求熟练掌握) 1. determine appropriate follow-up activity by the internal audit activity 根据内部审计结果确定适当的跟踪活动 2. identify appropriate method to monitor engagement outcomes 确认监督审计业务结果的适当方法 3. conduct follow-up activity 实施跟踪活动 4. communicate monitoring plan and results 沟通监督计划和结果 d. fraud knowledge elements (5 - 15 percent) 舞弊知识要点(5– 15%) 1. d**covery sampling (awareness level) 发现抽样(要求了解) 2. interrogation techniques (awareness level) 讯问技术(要求了解) 3. forensic auditing (awareness level) 司法鉴定审计(要求了解) 4. use of computers in analyzing data (proficiency level) 利用计算机分析数据(要求熟练掌握) 5. red flags (proficiency level) 危险信号(要求熟练掌握) 6. types of fraud (proficiency level) 舞弊类型(要求熟练掌握) e. engagement tools (15 - 25 percent) 审计业务工具(15 - 25 %) 1. sampling (awareness level) 抽样(要求了解) a. nonstat**tical (judgmental) 非统计(判断) b. stat**tical 统计 2. stat**tical analyses (process control techniques) (awareness level) 统计分析(过程控制技术)(要求了解) 3. data gathering tools (proficiency level) 数据收集工具(要求熟练掌握) a. interviewing 面谈 b. questionnaires 调查问卷 c. checkl**ts 检查清单 4. analytical review techniques (proficiency level) 分析性复核技术(要求熟练掌握) a. ratio estimation 比率估计 b. variance analys** (e.g., budget vs. actual) 变量分析(如,预算与实际相比较) c. other reasonableness tests 其他合理性测试 5. observation (proficiency level) 观察(要求熟练掌握) 6. problem solving. (proficiency level) 解决问题(要求熟练掌握) 7. r**k and control self-assessment (csa) (awareness level) 风险和控制的自我评价(要求了解) 8. computerized audit tools and techniques (proficiency level) 计算机审计工具和技术(要求熟练掌握) a. embedded audit modules 嵌入式审计模块 b. data extraction techniques 数据提取技术 c. generalized audit software (e.g., acl, idea) 通用审计软件(如,acl, idea) d. spreadsheet analys** 电子表格分析 e. automated work**s (e.g., lotus notes, auditor ass**tant) 自动化工作底稿(如,lotus notes,auditor ass**tant) 9. process mapping including flowcharting (proficiency level) 包括流程图的过程描述(要求熟练掌握) 20210311

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