
Alisa 2024-06-16 01:16:24
unkrainian unclear experts h**e said that people forced to le**e the areas aroundunkrainian不清楚,专家们说,人们被迫离开周围地区japan’s fukushima nuclear plant should be able to return. three of the plant’s reactor日本福岛核电站应该能够恢复。三工厂的反应器cores melted last march. authorities declared the plant stable in december. residents去年3月份芯融化。当局宣布稳定在十二月。居民can now return to areas with contamination levels below 20 mill**ieverts per year现在可以回到地区污染水平低于20毫每年funkushima evacuees coming homefunkushima疏散回家experts:low radiation areas safe to return专家:低辐射区的安全返回ukrainian unclear experts say japanese people who h**e been evacuated from around the fukshima unclear plant should be able to return to their homes.乌克兰不清楚,专家说,日本人民谁被疏散周围的fukshima清楚植物应该能够返回家园。th** ** unlike the chernboy1 site,which remains inside a wide no-go zone a quarter-century after the accident there.这是与chernboy1网站,这仍然是在大禁区后半个世纪的事件。the public may even eventually be able to v**it the fukushima dai-ichi unclear power plant.three of its reactor cores melted after a tsunami knocked out the cooling systems last march.市民甚至最终能够访问福岛第一核电。三的堆芯熔化后海啸淘汰的冷却系统,去年3月。ukrainian nuclear experts oleg nasvit and dmytro bobro said people learned a crucial lesson from the 1986 chernboy1 d**aster-that the ** needs to tell people the truth.only then can the people make **rmed dec**ions about their future.乌克兰核专家奥列格和鲍勃·罗斯纳说:nasvit人学到了关键的一课从1986chernboy1d**aster-that**需要告诉人们真相。只有人民才能作出明智的决定自己的未来。“residents can understand the consequences and make real**tic dec**ions only based on accurate **rmation,”bobro said.“居民可以理解的后果,作出现实的决定是基于准确的信息,”鲍勃·罗斯纳说。japanese authorities and regulators h**e been repeatedly criticized for how they handled **rmation during the unfolding unclear cr****. officials initially denied that the reactors had melted down. they h**e also been accused of playing down the health r**ks of exposure to radiation.日本**和监管机构已多次批评他们如何处理的信息在展开不清楚危机。官员否认了的反应堆熔化。他们也被指控在健康风险暴露于辐射。japanese authorities declared the fukushima plant stable in december. they h**e now set guidelines that allow residents to return to areas with contamination levels below 20 mill**ieverts per year.日本当局宣布福岛植物稳定在十二月。他们现在已经制定了指导方针,允许居民返回的地区,污染水平低于20毫每年。more that 100,000people were d**placed from a 20-kilometre no-entry zone.超过100000人流离失所,一个20公里不带。any dec**ion on wheter to allow residents to return should be based on radiation dose of less than 20 mill**ieverts per year. according to international standards, th** ** possible,” nasvit said.“th** ** not about th** circle of 20 kilometres:it ** about the radiation situation.if th** ** from the radiation point of perm**sible,why not return part of th** territory to people?”在决定是否允许居民返回应根据辐射剂量小于20毫每年。根据国际标准,这是可能的,“nasvit说。”这不是这圈20公里:它的辐射情况。如果这是从辐射点的允许,为什么不把这部分领土的人吗?“but further decontamination efforts are a must,he added.但进一步净化工作是必须的,他说。 20210311

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