
蟹小妹儿?????? 2024-09-28 21:16:19
口语点的话,我给你翻译吧。意思能保证准确。日本是个地震频发的地方,日本的“企业地震”也愈演愈烈。根据调查,1998年以来,三菱汽车公司就收到8.8万桩投诉,但其中6.4万桩都被三菱公司压下,没有上报运输省。另经运输省调查,三菱公司迄今共漏报该公司生产的汽车存在的问题17类,秘密回收和无偿修理各类汽车约62万辆,隐瞒因汽车质量问题发生多起交通事故the earthquake in japan happens very frequently, and the "enterpr**e earthquake" also become more and more serious. according to the investigation, since 1998 mitsub**hi automobile group received 88000 complaints, however, 64000 of them had been fixed by mitsub**hi without reporting to transportmin**try. furthermore, according to the investigation mitsub**hi had underreported 17 automobile's quality-related problems and had secretly recalled and repared 62000 automobiles for free. hiding the quality-related problems had caused lots of accidents. 日本三菱汽车工业公司在向日本运输省提交的一份报告中承认自己隐瞒汽车质量问题,并决定追加回收在全球市场出售的汽车28.8万辆进行修理。公司还将检查其他9000辆可能需要检查的汽车。据估计,三菱公司用于回收汽车的总费用将达6909万美元。三菱公司今年5月曾预计,为负担退休金债务, 公司今年的净亏损可能会达到700亿日元(6.4亿美元),是上年的3倍。 回收汽车的巨大花费又给公司增添了意外的沉重负担。消息传来,三菱汽车的股票在股市上应声而跌,从7月中旬的497日元下跌到目前的429日元。 日本**已表示要对三菱汽车公司进行刑事控告或给予行政处罚。mitsub**hi automobile group submitted a report confessing they had hidden automobile's quality-related problems to transportmin**try, and decided to recall additional 288000 automobiles to repare them. they would also inspect other 9000 automobiles which might h**e r**ks. by estimate, mitsub**hi would pay more than 69090000 us dollars for it. mitsub**hi had forecasted that net deficiency might be 70 billion jpy because of the debt of pensions th** year and th** number was three times than last year. recalling the automobiles made the load he**ier. because of th** news, mitsub**hi automobile shares in the stock market crashed and fell from 497 jpy in the middle of july to the current 429 jpy. japan's min**try of communications had indicated to mitsub**hi automobile for criminal charges or admin**trative pun**hment. 做汽车的,如果部件不合格,就极有可能成为“马路**”,**或者“**”,这是汽车有别于其它产品的一个特点。遇有用户投诉,就以“私了”的方式背地里“处理”,就将更多的没有发现“隐患”的用户推向了“鬼门关”,这不是侥幸心理作怪,也不是苟且偷安地这么简单,而是“思想道德”上的问题——唯利是图在作祟! the automobile makers, if the parts failed, most likely produce a "road killer", to kill others or "**", which ** an automobile's character**tic different from other products. in case of customer complaints, "compounding" approach of the secret "treatment" will kill more lives of customers who h**e not realized the problems. th** ** not because of fluke mind, not because of content with temporary case and comfort, but only because of the "moral" -venality! 日本人要反思。不仅是企业,还有日本**。如果不是日本**在产业政策上长期地向企业“倾斜”,三菱不会闹这么大的“地震”。不仅是日本,还有很多企业也几乎同时被推上了道德法庭。三菱汽车公司总裁川添宣布他将辞去总裁职位,以对三菱汽车公司掩盖顾客投诉的丑闻负责。三菱隐瞒了什么?是部件故障可能造成的隐患?还是企业在道德上的缺陷?追根溯源,应该是后者。2000年9月8日,随着日本三菱公司总裁的谢罪辞职和100 亿美元的巨额赔偿,“三菱危机”似乎画上了一个句号。可能用不了多久,“三菱事件”可能会被更惊人的信息“过滤”掉。但是,与之相关的涉及“企业道德”的麻烦可能才刚刚开始……japanese needs to reflect on, not only to the enterpr**e, but also to the japanese **. if the japanese ** didn't tilt their policy to the enterpr**e in the long-term, mitsub**hi would not be involved in such a big trouble, "enterpr**e earthquake." not only in japan, and many other companies are brought to the moral court almost at the same time. kawaso, president of mitsub**hi automobile announced that he will resign, to be responsible for customer complaints scandal. what does mitsub**hi try to hide? a component failure that can cause the r**ks? or the moral flaws? tracing the source, it should be the latter. on september 8, 2000, following the resignation of the president of mitsub**hi corporation and 100 billion dollars huge compensation, "mitsub**hi cr****" seemed to draw a conclusion. it may not take long, "mitsub**hi incident" may be "filtered" out by even more alarming news. however, associated "moral flaws" may only just be a beginning ... ...企业在“义”与“利”的范畴里,常常是把“利”即无限地甚至是不择手段地追逐利润作为惟一目的。凡是企业,都是“自主经营,自负盈亏,自我约束,自我发展的独立的经济实体”。而在这个定义里,最容易被忽视的是“自我约束”这一条,最容易发生理解上的偏差的,还是这一条,最难做到的,仍然是这条。为人民服务,也是为自己着想。为消费者着想,就是为自己服务。顾客和用户的利益,其实就是企业的利益。在21世纪里,“良心”、“良知”,可能是最“值钱”的。但是,怎么称?拿什么称它呢?搞一个“**o9003良心认证体系”?when enterpr**es balance the "righteousness" and "benefit ", they often choose the "profit" and infinitely pursuit of profit by any means. any enterpr**es actually are "autonomous, self-financing, self-restraining and self-developing and independent economic entity. " in th** definition, the point that ** the most likely omitted ** the "self-restraining, " and th** one ** most vulnerable to m**understand, as well as the most difficult to fulfil. serving the people ** also for their own sake. taking care of the sake of consumers ** also for their own services. the interests of customers and users are actually the interests of enterpr**es. in the 21st century, "conscience", ** probably the most "valuable". however, how can we measure it? what can be used to measure it? what about to establ**h a "**o9003 certification system of conscience? " 20210311

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