1.在超市旁边有一个大图书馆 there ** a big library besides the supermarket.2.在银行前面有一个小电话亭 there ** a small telephone booth in front of the bank.3.在这条安静的街道上有一家新的旅馆 there ** a. 20210311
1 life consumption more active interest rates, means that interest may be reduced, so that the bank's deposit flows to the consumer and investment aspects. from the perspective of consumption, the...
纯手工打造 june 17,2011,rmb to usd exchange rate reached 6.4716,creating a record high since currency reform.rmb has r**ed by 5.2%against usd after the currency reform a year ago,and 21.8%after currency re...
楼上是用机器翻的吧东方股份有限公司由东方电机厂(始建于1958年)于1993年12月28日经股份制改制成立。 为配合上级主管单位**东方电气集团公司整体上市,公司于2007年12月20日经**工商行政管理**批准,更名为东方电气集团东方电机有限公司,并于2008年1月30日完成工商登记注册。 oriental electrical machine co., ltd was founded by a...
the transition period of china's entry to the wto ** over,banking industry has already all-embraced to the outside world.foreign banks' entering will h**e a great impact on a series of factors such as...