一、期货的英文是copyforward;[经]futures。1、[future;futures]∶为在未bai来交货而买卖的股票du或商品。2、[position]∶期zhi货合同的买进或卖出的简称dao-商品交易所术语。二、例句 1、这雹枯一报告可能会在今天带盯开市后刺激一些人买进玉米期货。th** report could spur some buying in ...
to go public 或 stock be l**ted on例句精选initial public offering股票首次公开上市shares l**ted on helsinki, stockholm and new york stock股票分别在赫尔辛基,斯德哥尔摩和纽约上市it ** a l**ted company on both the stock exchanges of hon...
最后一次的英文翻译是the last time。词汇2113分析音标5261:[ðə lɑːst taɪm] 释义:最后4102一次;最后通牒;最后通碟;最初1653一次 短语the last exit time 末离时 the last time f**hing 最后一次捕鱼 the last time the 而最后一次为 the last one time 最后一次 the last tim...
virgo legend legend yasidelai was zeus and justice goddess daughter , affairs of human life was chaotic that time , evil conduct was rampant, numerous god ** far away from loathe th** world, in numero...