
兰妹纸L? 2024-06-02 08:58:37
credit cards: pros and consthe ease in swiping a credit card for a purchase has its pros and cons. it may either help when handled properly or become a detriment. if you are able to pay your bills on time every month and not carry over a balance, credit cards are a great convenience. the cards can also land you deep in debt. th** often occurs if you're unaware of the terms of the credit card agreement, and if you carry too many cards.prosyou can use them practically everywhere, especially overseas. they can boost your purchasing power because they can be used to buy goods and services over the phone, through the mail and online. they provide financial backup in the event of an emergency, such as an unexpected healthcare cost, job loss or auto repair. they allow you to purchase items and pay them off in monthly installments. they offer d**counts at stores and rewards. for instance, when you make purchases using the credit card you can collect points; these points accumulate and can be used to get free items, such as airline tickets.some cards may offer cash back as an incentive to use the card.they can help build your credit h**tory. they keep a record of your expenses, helping you to monitor your financial activities. they help ra**e your credit score, such as the fico credit score, when you pay balances down by the due date. th** improved credit h**tory p**es the way for lower rates borrowing rates on other loans, including a mortgage. credit cards allow you the right to d**pute billing errors and defective merchand**e. they allow you withhold payments.conscredit cards can h**e their d**advantages, though, especially when they're used in an unw**e manner. some consumers feel compelled to spend more money than they h**e. consumers may continuously roll over a balance for several months. when you default on credit card payments, you are charged with late fees and interest, increasing your debt load. carrying a large amount of credit cards also **n't too f**orable in the eyes of lenders.acquiring too much credit card debt can ruin your credit score. studies h**e indicated credit card debt as a significant factor in consumer bankruptcies.credit card fraud ** a possibility.**oiding credit card pitfallsin order to **oid the pitfalls of credit cards and maximize their benefits do the following: 1. keep track of your purchases by closely reviewing your monthly statements. 2. h**e a budget and **oid overspending. 3. make an effort to pay off credit card balances at the end of the month. 4. make purchases with reliable companies and take extra precautions when making purchases online. 5. report stolen cards immediately to the credit card company.read more: credit cards: pros and cons | investopedia follow us: investopedia on ** 20210311

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