**英文摘要翻译。 英语不好,求英语高手帮忙万分感谢

菜呀 2024-09-26 12:48:43
substractwith therapiddevelopmentofchineseeconomy,in recent years the national economy grows pers**tently and rapidly ;the income of ** and rural residents grows steadily and fastly. and the automobile industry ** developing rapidly for the demand for cars ** continuously being increased.the examples in the text from the shanghai and shenzhen stock exchange 28 l**ted companies.we did comprehensive analys** of the profit level of the automobile manufacturing industry l**ted companies from eps, net profit, eg,roe,main business profitability five index.in th** article we did the quantitativeassessment for these five index by using stat**tical related analys** method and we will use the multi-index comprehensive evaluation method- factor analytic method to do the comprehensive evaluation of profitability of l**ted car companies; calculate each the l**ted car company’s score in the industry, so that the overall ranking of l**ted company comes out. and the analys**result will be helpful in investment and stock choosing , and it will be a great reference when the l**ted company make dec**ion.keywords: automobile manufacture; multivariate stat**tics; factor analytic method; profitability多元统计:这个关键词在文章里好像没有看见呢 20210311

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    本文以我国国内上市公司为研究对象,选取2011年10月1日至2012年3月31日这段时期新上市的公司,2009年至2011年的业绩报告中的净利润及营业收入的变化幅度为研究指标,利用对比分析方法对我国当前上市公司业绩频现 “变脸”的情况进行研究。 based on our domestic l**ted company as the research object, the selection on...

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