英语作文should we postpone retirement

小超 2024-06-24 22:00:10
最近,人力资源和社会保障部社会保障研究所所长何平对外界表示:“相关部门正在酝酿条件成熟时延长法定退休年龄,有可能女职工从2010年开始,男职工从2015年开始,采取‘小步渐进’的方式,每3年延迟1岁,逐步将法定退休年龄提高到65岁。”  因为关系到自己的切身利益,将男女退休年龄同时推至65岁的提案引起很多网友的关注。推迟退休对我们意味着什么?而眼下金融危机,很多人的养老钱已经被“套牢”。双重夹击下,我们的养老风险如何化解?    多数网友对推迟退休持忧虑态度  在搜狐理财社区,很多网友对推迟男女退休年龄至65岁的提案表示了自己的担忧,“养老保险交的更多了”,“推迟退休年龄,人的寿命还那么长,领的是不是少了?”还有一些网友表示,“交社保不划算了”,决定“先不办社保了,等等看”。  也有一小部分网友对这项提案表示理解,“推迟退休可以解决未富先老的窘境”,“可以缓解社保空账率高的压力”,“对子孙后代好”。    推迟退休年龄对退休生活影响几何?  如果推迟法定退休年龄,对我们的退休生活将会产生什么样的影响呢?  专家表示,最直观的影响是:职工获取法定退休金的时间将变晚,但可领取的总量将变多。  2006年,我国实施了养老金计发的新办法。新办法最大的变化是养老金的领取不再“一刀切”,而是与缴费年限息息相关,缴费时间越长,可领取的总额就越高。  而且养老金是按月支付的,支付标准为个人养老金账户的余额除以计发月数。计发月数根据退休时间确定,退休年龄越大,计发月数越小,相应的收入就越多。  但是这只是直观的影响。推迟退休,缴纳的养老金势必会增多,而且推迟退休年龄,推迟这段时间,不能不考虑通货膨胀因素,因此实际收益要打一定的折扣。  此外,对于一些有提前退休意愿的人来说,法定退休年龄推迟对他们来说则无异是一个重大的打击。他们将在退休后更长的一段时间内无法获得**的养老金,只能依靠自己积累的养老金来维持退休生活的支出。recently, human resources and social security social security he ping, director of the institute for the outside world, said: "the relevant departments are brewing when the time ** ripe to extend the statutory retirement age, the possibility of women workers from the beginning of 2010, men from the beginning of 2015, to take 'small step' to every 3-year-old 1-year delay, the statutory retirement age will gradually be ra**ed to 65 years old. " because it has a bearing on their vital interests will be at the same time pushing the retirement age for men and women to 65-year-old proposal attracted a lot of friends. deferred retirement what does it mean for us? the financial cr**** at the moment, a lot of people's pension money has been "locked." double attack, we r**k the old-age how to resolve? the majority of users who postponed retirement worries attitude sohu in the financial community, a lot of friends on the men and women to postpone the retirement age to 65-year-old proposal, said h** concern, "the old-age insurance to pay more" and "to defer the retirement age, life expectancy has also long, the collar ** not less ? "some friends said," ** not worthwhile to pay social security, "decided" not to do social security first, wait and see. " there are also a fraction of the users on the understanding that the proposal "to postpone retirement can not solve the dilemma of the old rich first" and "can ease the social security account the high rate of air pressure," and "good for future generations." to postpone the retirement age of retirement affect the geometry? if the postponement of the statutory retirement age, our retirement will be what impact it? experts said that most of the v**ual effects: workers access to the statutory pension will be changed later, but will receive a total of more change. in 2006, china made a pensions account of the new approach. the new approach to the biggest change ** no longer receive the pension "across the board," but with the number of years ** closely related to payment, pay longer receive the higher of the total. and old-age pensions are paid on a monthly bas**, to pay for the standard personal pension account balance divided by the total number of months made. total fat based on the number of months to determine the time of retirement, the greater the age, total fat, the smaller the number of months, the more revenue. but th** ** only v**ual. to postpone retirement, to pay the pensions ** bound to increase, and to postpone the retirement age, deferred period of time, can not but consider the inflation factor, the actual earnings fight a d**count. in addition, there are a number of early retirement will of the people, to postpone the mandatory retirement age for them ** the same as a major blow. they will retire after a longer period of time not h**e access to the national pension, can only rely on their accumulated retirement pension to maintain the expenditure. 20210311

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