how budget your money?

治愈故事 2024-06-17 22:27:42
how to budget your money! 1. explain to your ** how checks and credit cards work, and how banks operate. be sure to mention interest payments and service charges. 2. give your ** a weekly or monthly allowance, unless she has a job and considers herself financially independent. 3. agree on what you will pay for and what the ** will pay for. consider car insurance, gas, school clothing, fees for extracurricular activities, the phone bill, and so forth. 4. give your ** financial responsibilities that you h**e both agreed on. 5. teach your **ager how to make a budget. make a l**t of the **'s monthly expenses and the dates they must be paid. sit down with the ** and explain how her income or allowance must be managed to meet the expenses. 6. h**e your ** open a bank account. most **agers are impulsive, so not h**ing cash in hand may keep the spending down. 7. set goals. talk about s**ing for college, cars, entertainment systems, mountain bikes or other big purchases. make clear what you plan to pay for and what you expect of the **. 20210311

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