用not only ...but also造句

I Do官方 2024-06-06 10:51:59
i not only heard it. but also saw it.我不但听见。而且亲眼看见了。shakespeare was not only a writer. but(also) an actor.莎士比亚不仅是作家,而且是演员。it ** not only a wall. but it ** also a tour**t resort.它不仅仅是城墙。还是旅游胜地。she often helps me not only in my study. but also in my life.她除了在学习上帮助我。在生活上也常常帮助我。lu xun was not only a great writer. but also a great thinker.鲁迅不但是个伟大的文学家。而且是个伟大的思想家。at school teachers teach us not only knowledge. but also how to be good.在学校老师们不仅给我们传播知识而且还教我们如何做人。i love . you. not only for. what you are but also what you h**e made of .我爱你不仅因为你是谁,还有你为我做的一切!for never give up . not only never give up . but also to go alone th** way!永不放弃。不仅永不放弃。我们要这样一直走下去!you will not only speak good engl**h. but also become a fantastic ***-taker!你不但能够讲好英语。考起试来也会游刃自如!he not only once read that book. but also remembered the contents of inside.他不仅读过那本书。而且记住了里面的内容。4 forest can not only prevent soil erosion. but also beautify the environment.4森林不仅可以防止水土流失。而且还可以美化环境。electric energy can be changed into not only sound energy. but also light energy.电能既可以被转变成声能,又可以被转变成光能。it ** my opinion that th** flu not only does it flu virus. but also it may case someone death.我认为它不仅是流感病毒,而且会造成人员死亡。to accompl**h great things. we must not only act. but also dream, not only plan. but also believe.为了实现伟大的事情。我们不仅要行动。还要有梦想,不仅是计划。还要去相信。th** ** ** not only for ph. d, but also for writer"s improved study about th** field in future."在此过程中,作者不仅希望以论文参加答辩,也愿意为自己今后的进一步研究准备一块基石。not only recycling **oids landfills . but also reduces the needs for the basic natural resouce crude oil.第三,是出于环境保护的要求,回收可以减少“理土”处置,减少天然资源石油的消耗。dolphins are not only beautiful and friendly. but they also seem to bring joy to anyone who comes near them.海豚不仅可爱友好。而且可以带给身边每一个人欢乐。6 regular engl**h film will not only enhance your hearing. but it will also help you to cultivate that skill.6经常看英语电影不仅会提高你的听力。而且还会帮助你培养说的技巧。therefore, we can not only develop new itoms. but also design the products according to the customers samples.既能根据市场不断的开发各种新的产品,同时又能够根据客户要求的款式的花色彩的模具开发产品。we are not only providing our products. but also provide the related knowlede of manufacturing and application.而且我们能够提供相关的制造和应用技术。the third industry ** at the beginning stage, we should strengthen it not only in quantity. , but also in quality.第三产业是超前发展的,今后不仅要有量的增加,更要有质的提高。as howard kelly left that house . he not only felt stronger physically . but it also increased h** faith in god and the human race.说完,霍华德凯利离开了这户人家,此时的他不仅自己浑身是劲儿,而且更加相信上帝和整个人类。** not only for the colony. but also to establ**h its hegemony in the world. and ensl**es the people of every nations of the world .不仅在于争夺殖民地。而且在于确立自己的世界霸权。奴役世界各国人民。second. i like speaking engl**h with my classmates. not only in classroom. but also on the playground. it's to improve my spoken engl**h.第二。我不仅在教室里。在操场上也一样喜欢和同学们说英语。这提高了我的口语。free/open source moment ** not only a new technology. but also a spirit of knowledge sharing and revolution of the concept of intellectual property.自由/开源软件运动并不单只是一种新科技、开发或管理方法,亦是一种身体力行支持知识分享的精神和对西方知识产权对知识发展影响的反思。mr. balestri transferred stock not only to mr. burt but also to d**id charlow, financial aid director for columbia's undergraduate college and its engineering school;巴勒斯特里先生不仅把股票给了波特, 也给了大卫•查洛,哥伦比亚研究生院及其工程学院的财务援助部门主管;us presidential hopeful barack obama turns out to be a not only of president george w. bush but also of wartime brit**h prime min**ter winston churchill, according to us researchers.美国研究人员日前称,美国**竞选人巴拉克•奥巴马不仅是现任**乔治•w•布什的远亲,而且与“二战”时期的英国首相温斯顿•丘吉尔还沾亲带故。by from all accounts, the lecture was nice. of course, th** resulted from not only mr. jin knowledge, but also all members in the telegraphic college studying branch and our club, hard work.同学们也都反映觉得讲座很不错,当然这和金老师高深的专业造诣有关,但同样也是电信研分会和我们俱乐部全体工作人员共同努力的成果。"i hope they will not pursue th** kind of evil acts (like attacking iran), which will not only harm u. s. interests but also interests of the whole region and the entire planet, " khatami said.哈塔米说:「我希望他们不会从事这种邪恶(如攻击**)的行为,因为那将不只伤害美国利益,也会伤害这个地区及整个地球。」us presidential hopeful barack obama turns out to be a d**tant relative not only of president george w. bush but also of wartime brit**h prime min**ter winston churchill, according to us researchers.美国研究人员日前称,美国**竞选人巴拉克-奥巴马不仅是现任**乔治-w-布什的远亲,而且与“二战”时期的英国首相温斯顿?丘吉尔还沾亲带故。 20210311

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