汉译英 不要翻译工具翻译的

小鹏 2024-06-03 03:26:59
for centuries the world's surging w**e of bank mergers and acqu**itions, bank mergers and acqu**itions with an enormous potential for efficiency gains, but the banks h**e not received from the m & a action expected value and the sat**factory performance, and even could lead to bank earnings and a decrease in the value, "the bank industry merger and reorganization addvalue paradox ex**ts. " th** ** from the bank through mergers and acqu**itions motivated theory to explain and m & a performance of empirical research based on the recent bank mergers and acqu**itions at home and abroad for more than a decade theoretical synthes** and summary of the results, explained the acqu**ition of theoretical and empirical ex**tence of contradictions and conflicts, thus can be more depth understanding of banking mergers and acqu**itions. 20210311

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