
.77 2024-06-04 12:46:36
hitachi posts h**toric loss for japan日立公告称历史性亏损in the land of the r**ing sun, the f**cal year ** setting in a sea of red.在旭日之国(指日本),财政年度的报告全面飘红。mount fuji glows red in the sunset, much like the year-end results of japanese manufacturers.**山在夕阳中发出彤红的暖色,像极了日本制造业的年终绩效。electronics makers hitachi and nec corp., and carmaker n**san all ended the year with a loss. japan's largest electronics maker, hitachi lost $8 billion in the f**cal year ending march 31, with consolidated revenues down 11 percent from last year. it was the largest loss ever recorded by a japanese manufacturer, according to shinko research institute.电子设备制造商日立和nec(nippon electronic company,日本电气电子公司)和日产汽车制造商都以亏损终结了这个财政年度。至2009年3月31日为止,日本最大的电子设备制造商日立在这个财政年度亏损额达到80亿美元,总收益比上个财政年度降低了11个百分点。根据新光综合研究所的数据,这是日本制造商历史上最大的亏损。nec corporation lost $3 billion in the past f**cal year, down nearly 11.5 percent from last year. meanwhile, n**san lost $2.3 billion for the year.nec公司在上个财政年度亏损了30亿美元,比上一年下降了11.5个百分点,日产汽车亏损了23亿美元。declines in the automobile, semiconductor and industrial equipment industries especially hurt hitachi, as well as write-downs of securities due to the sharp declines in global stock exchanges. 汽车、半导体和工业器材产业的下景气,特别对日立构成了危害,由于全球股票交易市场的急剧下滑,有价证券账面价值缩水也是亏损的原因之一。hitachi said it will cut unprofitable business lines, reduce staff and eliminate factories in japan and overseas, but g**e no specifics.日立方面称将会减少不赢利的业务种类,在日本和海外进行裁员和关闭工厂,但没有给出具体的细节。japanese firms h**e been hit hard by the credit cr****, which has driven up the value of the yen -- driving up the export cost of products to markets like the us, where consumers are spending less on durable goods such as automobiles and electronic products. 日本公司一直受到信贷危机的打击,日元的价值被不断抬高——使得其产品出口的成本被加大,而日本的出口市场,例如美国,其消费者在耐用品(如汽车和电器)的花费上正在减少。来源: 20210311

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