
Allen可乐 2024-06-02 21:05:41
certain individuals believe that **s should spend on areas which can directly improve peoples lives rather than art. i strongly d**agree with these people because they merely looked at the tip of the iceberg. in fact, promoting art ** so important that **s should constantly provide aid to domestic art**ts instead of cutting their funds. art**ts are essential for promoting a nation’s prestige, and it can bring lots of revenue for the ** which in the long run will benefit other fields as well.first off, it ** important for a country to be prestigious among the world’s population because it can provide opportunities to boost that nation’s wellbeing. a great art**t alone can provide such prestige to that nation.for example many common people knowaustria because mozart was born and lived there. in contrary, they know less about the hungary, which ** a country similar in size and rests beside austria, because it does not h**e prestigious art**ts like mozart. such small differences in few individuals would mean huge differences in tour**t revenues.secondly, from an economic perspective, promoting art can create spiritual needs which can be used to stimulate the nation’s economy. for wealthier people, the ** can promote certain artwork of their own nation’s origin. in that case, these wealthy people will provide patron for art**t’s artworks. for others, the ** can promote popular music which **erage citizens can afford. these artworks can be exported to the global market if sufficient funding ** provided.although in many cases, the benefit of promoting art ** not as v**ible as promoting education and healthcare, but its importance cannot be underestimated. it ** an important source of nation’s prestige, and the needs created by different forms of art will continue to benefit the country’s economy. as the dec**ion makers of a nation, it will be ill-considered to undermine the value of art based on rash assumptions. 20210311

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