
阿斗讲故事 2024-06-17 13:17:02
gem l**ting the pros and cons of enterpr**e after and the measures we should takeabstract: october 30, 2009 domestic gem the first 28 companies l**ted in shenzhen collective. after over 10 years of hone, china growth enterpr**e market official start, countries start gem market and are designed to support small and medium enterpr**e development, especially to promote the development of the high-tech enterpr**es. th** article from two aspects of the gem l**ting positive influence on the enterpr**e after elaborated, enterpr**e l**ted, opened a new direct financing channels for rapid development provides abundant capital support, in tight market superv**ion, the company management system will be constantly improved, increased the enterpr**e's popularity and brand image, can get more "policy" preferential and competitive advantage, company boss wealth will also along with the growth of l**ted get geometric type. meanwhile, the enterpr**e enjoying these beneficial effects, could face such as super funds ra**ed cannot reasonable digestion, causing funds utilization efficiency low, management, public expenditure of foreign exposure, subject to the long-term development of the enterpr**e goals such as many shares drop short-term adverse influence. face th** kind of situation, we can't take for granted, measures should be taken, regulating the **suance system, control the "three-high" gem companies **sue, strictly limited gem companies executives resigned, now, forming perfect the l**ted company's sustainable returns to shareholders, thus let the investors mechan**m of the development of capital market fully share dividend.keywords: gem; l**ted enterpr**es; pros and cons; the countermeasures. 20210311

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