
啊晟 2024-12-03 09:26:32
你好:1. a machine (named water mill) which makes water out of air could become the greatest household invention since the microw**e. 2. using the same technology as a dehumidifier, the water mill ** able to create a ready supply of drinking water by getting it from an unlimited source – the air. 3. the company behind the machine says not only does it offer another choice to bottled water in developed countries, but it ** a solution for the millions who face a daily water shortage.1.一台机器 (命名为水磨坊) 这使得从空气中的水可能成为最伟大的家庭发明以来微波。2.使用相同的技术,为除湿机,水磨坊是能够通过获取它无限的来源 — — 空气从创建准备好供应的饮用水。3.公司在机器后面说不仅它还提供对在发达**,瓶装水的另一个选择,但它是一个解决方案的数百万人面对日常的水资源短缺。4. the machine takes in wet air and condenses it into water. it can produce up to 12 liters a day. the water mill will also help get more water when storms pass over, as the humidity in the air increases. in keeping with its eco-development, the machine uses the same amount of electricity as three light bulbs. meanwhile, it ** likely to cost only £800 when it goes on sale here in the spring. its maker, canadian firm element four, figures out that a liter of water will cost around 20 pence to produce.4.机器在潮湿的空气中,和它凝结成水。它可以产生一天达 12 升。水磨坊也将有助于获得更多的水,当暴风雨过去了,传递作为增加空气中的湿度。根据其生态发展,机器使用相同数量的电作为三个灯泡。与此同时,它很可能成本只有 800,当它在春天走向这里出售。其制造商,加拿大坚定元素四,计算出一升的水的成本约 20 便士生产。5. it ** suggested by the reports from environmental**ts that half the world’s population will face water shortages because of climate change by 2080. one in five humans ** said to face the situation of lacking drinking water.6.the water mill ** not effective in areas with below about 30 percent relative humidity, but with **erage humidity in britain of more than 70 percent that won’t be much of a problem here.5.建议从环保主义者世界上一半的人口将面临缺水,因为气候变化由 2080年的报告。据说是五分之一人类面临缺乏饮用水的情况。6.水磨坊与约 30%以下的地区不是有效相对湿度,但与平均湿度在 70%以上,不会是大问题在这里的英国。 20210311

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