一、英语常用缩写 月份 jan. january 一月feb. february 二月mar. march 三月apr. april 四月jun. june 六月jul. july 七月aug. august 八月sep. september九月oct. october 十月nov. november 十一月dec. december 十二月 星期 mon. monday 星期一tue. tue...
if you put a buzzard in a pen six to eight feet square and entirely open at the top,5261 the bird,in spite of its ability to fly,will be an absolute pr**oner.4102 the reason ** that a buzzard always b...
bbc ** better i am a foreigner here in china.i dont think there ** any so-called"engl**h grammar or phonetics"readings and oral practices will let you getting ...
we should regard the network as a life supplement.in network communication, we pay attention to browse, search and learn the knowledge, should not be in the independent knowledge retention, it should ...
the age of credit card personal credit cards are becoming more common in china. banks and other financial institutions are encouraging their customers to change the way they buy things. credit ca...
有道翻译:since october 30, 2009, the growth enterpr**e market since its creation, the continuous improvement of the gem l**ted company system, investors are more and more attention to the problem of **rma...