
Jessica? 2024-06-13 18:33:38
shortcomings of foreign direct investment for developing countries  发展**家利用外商直接投资的弊端  most arguments of shortcomings of foreign direct investment are concentrated on employment effects.  大多数对利用外国直接投资弊端的争论都集中在雇佣效应。  though it brings more jobs to developing countries, some argued that some mnes make workers’lives in developing countries worse than before.  虽然外资能给发展**家带来更多的就业岗位,一些人指责一些跨国公司(multinational enterpr**e)使来自发展**家的员工的生活变得比以前更差。  in order to lower labor cost as much as possible, the workers in the factories, which were establ**hed by mnes, work in bad condition: over一time work, no holidays, h**ing wo**ng load with low wages.  为了尽可能地降低劳动力成本,跨国公司的工厂里面的工人在非常差的环境中工作:超时工作,没有假期,低薪高工作强度。  th** ** the popular phenomenon in south china, and brings lots of social critiques to foreign direct investment and mnes.  这是现象在**南方很普遍,这给外商独资企业和跨国企业不断招来骂声。  besides that, some criticize that the foreign direct investment tlu-eatens the development of the domestic industries.  除此之外,一些人批评外国直接投资打击了国内的工业的发展。  because the mnes always h**e strong capital, technology and much advanced management skills, they will take up the most of domestic market.  因为跨国企业通常经济实力雄厚,生产技术和管理技术先进,这些优势都会让他们雄霸国内市场。  though they bring some benefrts and opportunities to developing countries, they also will destroy the domestic industries. however, benefrts are always accompanied with r**ks.  尽管(外国直接投资和跨国企业)给发展**家带来了一些利益,他们也会毁坏国内的工业。尽管如此,利益通常也伴随着风险。  conclusion 总结  as mentioned above, foreign direct investment brings benefrts to developing countries, especially in resource一transfer effects and employment effects.  综上所述,外国直接投资给发展**家带来利益,特别是资源转移效益和雇佣效应。  in resource-transfer effects, mnes bring abundant of capital, advanced technology and trained management skills when they invest directly to the host countries.  在资源转移效应中,当跨国公司直接投资于东道国时,带来充足的资金,先进的技术和训练有素的管理技巧。  in the employment effects, the mnes create jobs to the host countries directly and indirectly.  在雇佣效应中,跨国公司给东道国直接或间接地创造了就业的岗位。  though foreign direct investment brings r**ks for domestic economy in developing counties, the benefrts they taking let developing countries try best absorb foreign direct investment.  尽管外国直接投资给发展**家的国内经济带来了风险,与此同时他们带来的利益让发展**家尽可能地吸收外国直接投资。  consequently, it ** a critical element for developing countries developing the domestic economy.  其结果是,对于发展国内经济的发展**家来说,这是一个备受争议的元素。 20210311

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