
柠檬 2024-06-21 13:32:54
傅美政中美加国际留学咨询顾问,经济学硕士。亲身经历toefl、gmat考试并取得高分,对留学申文书创作和名校申请有自己独特的心得体会。曾经被加拿大萨省大学金融学硕士项目(含奖学金)和加拿大渥太华大学经济学硕士项目录取。工作中善于发掘、提升学生个人背景中的亮点并加以整合,制作出可以全面展现学生综合素质的文书。现主要负责中美加国际语言课程培训、留学文案制作及留学**工作。教授每天都能收到许多申请学生的邮件,尤其是申请助学金的。但可能教授连看都没看就删了你辛辛苦苦发的邮件。有这么邮件需要看,教授没有时间一一阅读并且回复。那些不能第一时间吸引眼球的邮件进而都进入了垃圾箱。所以,发邮件前先看看教授们怎样建议。教授们招学生也很实际,他们只对杰出的学生感兴趣,并且申请的学生一定要对教授所研究的领域有浓厚的兴趣,有过实验,有**更好了。而且,拥有硕士学位申请成功的概率要高于本科申请者。 下面给出两封好坏邮件进行对比。 不好的邮件: here are two sample letters: a sample letter that will never get the candidate an ass**tantship with me: unwanted email respected sir, i am very interested in going to the us for higher studies. i am seeking adm**sion and financial ass**tance in your esteemed university. i am very interested in artificial intelligence and computer architecture. i h**e programming experience in c++, c and j**a. i am also familiar with several software packages in the windows environment (ms word, excel spreadsheet etc.). i also h**e netwo**ng certification from novell. my gre score ** 2050, and i got 99 percentile in the toefl exam. i request you to spare a few moments from your precious time to go through my attached resume. sir - if you are kind enough to offer me ass**tantship, i prom**e to work very hard for you. i h**e a very good academic record since primary school. alternately, can you tell me what are my chances of getting ass**tantship from your department? can you kindly **rm me about the last dates for summer term 2002 before which i can apply? thank you for your valuable time, yours obediently abc my comments: i simply delete these emails, which i consider garbage .the person seems to be too obsequious and flattering. in the emails that i do read (occasionally), i do a first scan for keywords like "precious", "respected" etc. deleting the email if i find one. obviously the person ** not professional enough. the person ** interested in artificial intelligence and computer architecture - these are quite unrelated areas, making me think that he ** trying to cover as many professors as possible to get aid from any possible source. besides, he does not h**e anything in support of h** claim (about h** interest in artificial intelligence). he emphasizes on h** software skills, making me think that h** goal ** to get a programming job in the us and higher studies ** only to allow him access to the us job market. h** gre scores are ok, but not exceptional. he asks me to tell him what h** chances of getting an ass**tantship are, elsewhere in the department. i h**e absolutely no way of finding that out, and even if i knew, i would not bother to reply back. he also asks me to give him **rmation about summer deadlines. how am i supposed to know that? (i would typically expect that th** **rmation should be **ailable from the university web site, or from the grad school, but my guess ** as good as yours.) finally, th** letter ** too generic . he probably uses exactly the same format for hundreds of email letters to various professors throughout the country, le**ing no stone uncovered. i receive hundreds of email like th**. regretfully, i cannot answer everyone, and these applications do not interest me at all. now, here ** a letter that would definitely attract my attention: 好的邮件应该这么写: excellent email dear prof. das, i am applying to ksu (amongst other places) for a ph.d., and i am very interested in your research areas. i would like to explore the possibility of doing my research with you, with financial support. one possible area that would interest me a lot ** in applying tikhonov regularization to your problem in computational neuroscience, since i understand that neural data can be very no**y, and yet sparse.alternately, i am also interested in applying evolutionary algorithms to your genetic neural network parameter estimation. one of my other interests in in parallel processing. are you considering parallel implementations for any of your optimization/estimation algorithms? considering that the projects that you l**t in your web site would probably be very computationally intensive, that may be a worthwhile strategy to pursue. i presented a ** entitled "hybrid gradient descent based training of probabil**tic recurrent networks" in the international conference on neural networks and image processing, bangalore, last year. it ** a reviewed publication. if h**e attached a copy of the article in pdf format. if you h**e **ailable funds, and are interested in my application please let me know soon. xyz my comments: th** ** a straightforward letter from someone with a genuine interest in my area . he ** an exceptional candidate. he has evinced a keen desire to learn, and already has considerable mastery over my area of research . if i h**e any funding **ailable, i would definitely try my very best to get th** person . th** person may h**e an ms degree, while many applicants h**e only a bs degree.相关连接:申请美国研究生如何选择教授和套磁美国研究生申请套磁为什么没有回复美国研究生套磁最好跟老师说什么内容中美加国际始终以名校 20210311

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