
假如不曾相遇 2024-09-28 00:38:57
如果你的英语成绩这么好的话,为什么不尝试自己写一下呢?肯定没问题。 20210311

  • 帮忙翻译一下这几篇文章,急
    • 2024-09-28 07:52:03
    • 提问者: 未知
    test 1: press releases chinese and engl**h original translation remarks on december 26, 2017, the “guiding opinions on accelerating scientific and technological innovation in beijing to cultivate new ...
  • 帮忙翻译一下啊!
    • 2024-09-28 13:59:41
    • 提问者: 未知
  • 帮忙翻译下...!~急..34
    • 2024-09-28 09:24:20
    • 提问者: 未知
    family"** of course an elastic word.but when brit**h people say that their society ** based on family life,they are thinking of"family"in its narrow,peculiar ...
  • 英语高手帮忙翻译一下。。
    • 2024-09-28 21:56:40
    • 提问者: 未知
    1楼机译不解释,2解错了,和融资什么关系。背景知识,美国金融危大的金融公司倒台,结果**只能拿纳税人的几千亿美金去救这些大公司。这个就叫做bailout。那么这里的意思就很明显了。翻译:纳税人再也不用为大公司的倒台而买单了。be on the hook 的意思是 be in a difficult situation. 你想鱼在钩上,就是in a difficult situation
  • 帮忙翻译一下
    • 2024-09-28 18:14:44
    • 提问者: 未知
    snapped a six-day losing:一举扭转连连亏损的局面 streak:(短暂的)一阵子;一系列;一点点 snap:突然结束 {例}china stocks snap losing streak:**股市一举扭转连续下跌颓势。
  • 帮忙翻译一下吧!在线等,急!
    • 2024-09-28 23:12:29
    • 提问者: 未知
    there's a lot of factors that will affect the fluctuate of stock. therefore, th** essay aims to make an analys** of change of stock. after analysing, it ** found that some elements can be a good e...
  • 请用英文翻译一下这段话!!!帮帮忙!!!
    • 2024-09-28 01:37:16
    • 提问者: 未知
    by the middle of the nine**th century, the united states ** willing to take the north-game home state shelby home to maintain a loyal owner of the interests of the black sl**es, as we all called him u...
  • 请高手帮忙翻译英文摘要,急!!!!
    • 2024-09-28 23:09:21
    • 提问者: 未知
    loan negotiable securities: opens up the real estate financing domain looked from our country macroscopic economical strategy angle,on the one hand, the real estate industry specially will be thehousi...
  • 请各位网友帮忙用英语翻译下
    • 2024-09-28 03:21:07
    • 提问者: 未知
    be continuously perfect along with the market economy, the tax admin**tration plans and prepare more and more a value of get the business enterpr**e.the tax admin**tration plans and prepare to contrib...
  • 帮忙翻译一下!
    • 2024-09-28 23:10:59
    • 提问者: 未知
    是该人们花钱的时候了!去年下半年国内需求带动gdp大部分的增长,不仅仅如此,有迹象表明**正在努力促使经济增长由投资拉动转向消费拉动。伦敦研究机构capital economics 经济学家mark williams 根据****统计局给出的数据预计2007年由消费带动的gdp增长份额将在7年来首次超过投资带动的份额。**采取限制银行借贷的政策,使投资增长速度略微放慢,而消费支出却一路上扬。经常引...

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