
小芳女神 2024-06-27 15:54:20
1.guang zhou (guangzhou) ** located in north of zhu jiang triangles shoal. it ** the politics, economy and culture center of guangdong province and strides across both sides of zhu jiang river. the area of the city ** more than 7,400 square kilometers. the ** d**trict ** more than 120 square kilometers and there are more than 3,300,000 people live in the city. guang zhou ** a city with a long h**tory. it was built in 862 b.c., the year when king zhou yi wang was alive, which was more than 2,800 years ago. the city has other two names: rams city and ears of rice city. it ** said that a long time ago, there were five supermen lived above the southern sea of china. one day, they ridden to guang zhou on five colorful goats, each goat had ears of rice in mouth. the supermen left the ears of rice for the local people and prayed the city would never get famine. the five goats they left became stone later and the city were named goat city since then. because of the pleasant climate, you can find many flowers in the city through out the year, so they also called it flower city. every spring festival, there ** a special flower market to welcome the coming of the spring in the city. during that time, you will find the street became the ocean of flowers and many lights and tour**ts will appear in the street at night. you may h**e a deep impression of th**, but you are not the first, th** beautiful ancient market has long attracted great many v**itors. guang zhou ** also a modern city with lots of tr**el source. the local economy has grown a great deal since the reform and opening policy was put into practice. the extending of the city ** rapid, and today, the city can reach north to mt. bai yun, northeast to sha he town and east to he**enly lake. you can find modern skyscrapers everywhere, for instance, the center of world economy built in 1990s and the national economy mansion of guang dong which ** 198 meters high with 63 floors. those constructions made the city become a modern city with lots of tr**el resource. there are also many parks of tropics, cemeteries of famous people and ancient temples in the city. 2.guang zhou (guangzhou) ** located in north of zhu jiang triangles shoal. it ** the politics, economy and culture center of guangdong province and strides across both sides of zhu jiang river.the area of the city ** more than 7,400 square kilometers. the ** d**trict ** more than 120 square kilometers and there are more than 3,300,000 people live in the city.guang zhou ** a city with a long h**tory. it was built in 862 b.c., the year when king zhou yi wang was alive, which was more than 2,800 years ago. the city has other two names: rams city and ears of rice city.it ** said that a long time ago, there were five supermen lived above the southern sea of china. one day, they ridden to guang zhou on five colorful goats, each goat had ears of rice in mouth. the supermen left the ears of rice for the local people and prayed the city would never get famine. the five goats they left became stone later and the city were named goat city since then. because of the pleasant climate, you can find many flowers in the city through out the year, so they also called it flower city. every spring festival, there ** a special flower market to welcome the coming of the spring in the city. during that time, you will find the street became the ocean of flowers and many lights and tour**ts will appear in the street at night. you may h**e a deep impression of th**, but you are not the first, th** beautiful ancient market has long attracted great many v**itors. guang zhou ** also a modern city with lots of tr**el source. the local economy has grown a great deal since the reform and opening policy was put into practice. the extending of the city ** rapid, and today, the city can reach north to mt. bai yun, northeast to sha he town and east to he**enly lake.you can find modern skyscrapers everywhere, for instance, the center of world economy built in 1990s and the national economy mansion of guang dong which ** 198 meters high with 63 floors. those constructions made the city become a modern city with lots of tr**el resource.there are also many parks of tropics, cemeteries of famous people and ancient temples in the city.来自: 20210311

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