简历翻译 可否请高手帮我把简历翻译成英文?万分感谢!

馨语蝶蝶? 2024-09-25 21:06:09
works to experience present pract**es in the bank of china dalian zhongshan sub-branch sales office the 05, 06 years to rescue the management station practice using the vacation to dalian, the performance ** outstanding, receives the high pra**e. in the school mass organization federation assignment, ** responsible for the funds management, ceases the funds waste effectively, realizes the highly effective use. participates in dalian charitable general meeting voluntary worker to organize, obtains dalian successively “the one-star”, “two star classes” the voluntary worker title of honor, and represents as the voluntary worker in the school summarizes at the congress to speak. the voluntary worker proves the number ** 09630. once in the kentuckey fast-food restaurant work, and received the foreign tour**t many times, helped it to choose meal and the translation. practices the activity to be appointed school mass organization federation office ass**tant director, and ** responsible for society the joint funds management. ** appointed courtyard society regimental head quarter young accountant association president, organizes the mass organization to move many times, the member high pra**e, the school news** does many times broadly the track report. and the mass organization members diligently, participate in the school star class mass organization to compare and appra**e together, attain the school three-star mass organization honor. specialized level primary accounting profession technology qualifications national abacus calculation technical class first-level grasps accounting computerization skilled foreign language the horizontal university engl**h six levels, has strong l**tening to through . reading. said that with ability which writes. computer horizontal country computer rank second-level, can apply office, word skilled through , and so on excel, powerpoint software can use and maintain the windows9x/2000/xp operating system skilled; wins an award situation dalian university student mathematics competition third prize school excellent league member the dalian star class voluntary worker one-star, two star-level self- to appra**e myself to h**e the quite strong specialized theoretical knowledge, the foundation ** solid and ** widespread, can in the professional field propose that own original opinion, the manner good faith ** open and bright, diligent practical, has the strong adaptiveness and the coordinated ability, sense of responsibility, deeply loves the collective, takes pleasure in serving others, can scrupulously follow take the general situation as the he**y principle, ** willing to be subordinate to the collective interests the need, has the sacrificing spirit, moves in the school mass organization, has ra**ed the organizing faculty, most importantly team spirit. has exerc**ed the strain capacity in the social practice and serves other people's moral character. myself am willing to start from the basic unit, the full use studies and the experience completes the labor of duty. 20210311

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