the pursuit of happyness ** a 2006 american biographical drama film, directed by gabriele muccino and based on the true story of chr** gardner. the film stars will smith as gardner, an on-and-off-home...
"when happiness comes knocking" ** directed by willl smith, starring gabriel muccino and other american films. the film ** based on a true story, the protagon**t ** an american black investm...
bgm为《just like th**》 它是翻唱,原唱为《something just like th**》,是由美国纽约电子音乐组合烟鬼组合和英国摇滚乐队酷玩乐队合作演唱的歌曲。由andrew taggart、guy berryman、jonny buckland、will champion、chr** martin共同谱写,酷玩乐队主唱chr** martin担任歌曲主音,单曲发行...