跪求关于 保险的起源与发展 的英文文章

L . Power 2024-06-24 21:40:01
insurance was the idea of a man called lloyd, who freqented the coffee houses of london.these coffee houses were meting places of businessmen, and the main business in london then was shipping. he would l**ten to the tales of businessmen who had lost their ships at sea, or had their cargoes hijacked by pirates. lloyd thought about th** and came up with the idea of insuring these cargoes by insuring them for a premium. the first premium paid was for £100 for a ships cargo. within six months, th** business proved so successful that he opened offices in london. he based it ina building near the docks, and named it lloyds house. that was the start of lloyds of london which today, has a reputation second to none. =====================================insurance in some form ** as old as h**torical society. so-called bottomry contracts were known to merchants of babylon as early as 4000–3000 bc. bottomry was also practiced by the hindus in 600 bc and was well understood in ancient greece as early as the 4th century bc. under a bottomry contract, loans were granted to merchants with the prov**ion that if the shipment was lost at sea the loan did not h**e to be repaid. the interest on the loan covered the insurance r**k. ancient roman law recognized the bottomry contract in which an article of agreement was drawn up and funds were deposited with a money changer. marine insurance became highly developed in the 15th century.in rome there were also burial societies that paid funeral costs of their members out of monthly dues.the insurance contract also developed early. it was known in ancient greece and among other maritime nations in commercial contact with greece. 20210311

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